You don’t need another diet, you need eating skills and psychology
The diet industry has let you down more than a dozen times. Not just in terms of results, but also in terms of how it’s made you feel, how it’s ruined your relationship to food, and hurt your relationship to your body.
Fortunately, there’s a better way. It’s a much more comprehensive way. Honestly, it’s more work up front, but it’ll be worth it in the long term. It’s actually really hard to practice and build skills, it’s hard to get at the underlying problems of why you’re stress eating and snacking or eating too much.
Diets only work for people who don’t stress eat, emotionally eat, tired eat, or over-eat at meals.
The rest of us need a five level system:
- Don’t diet
- Eating Skills
- Meta-skills
- Mindset Turning Points
- Motivation Psychology
It’s actually a lot more work.
But, that work is worth it.
The work on skills, meta-skills, and psychology is what actually makes the difference. It puts you in the driver’s seat with your food. You’ll get the results you want, they’ll actually stick, and you’ll finally be done.
Dieting and diet rules are stupid, cruel, and horribly ineffective (for the overwhelming majority of people).
Practicing eating skills is a lot more like strength training. Not only does the book have a really cool way for you to customize your workout programs for your body and your level, but the workouts become a metaphor for everything you’re doing with eating skill practice.

You’re going to work on eating skills that help you tune into what your body needs, both during meals, and (often more importantly) between meals.
You’re going to have structure and guidelines to work from during the times when you’re tired or stressed out, when it’s hard to check in.
Most importantly, you’re going to have obstacle planning, the ten turning points, and the wise five, to get you through the times that it’s hard to do the things that matter to you.
For sure the book has the eating skills for you to get lean. It also has the workouts for you to get strong.
Over time, though, you might come to think of being lean and strong in a different way:
- Lean: Being economical agile, and efficient in hitting your goals.
- Strong: Doing what matters to you, even when it’s hard
And that those might be the tools in the book that make the biggest difference for you. Again, this book is about putting you in the driver’s seat with your nutrition and fitness. You’ll get the tools to make your own decisions, feel good about them, and be able to make them in tough situations. You’ll be your own expert, and you’ll never need another diet book again.
You can get the book two places:
Amazon paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Lean-Strong-Eating-Psychology-Workouts/dp/1931046409/
Direct from the publisher, On Target Publications: https://www.otpbooks.com/product/josh-hillis-lean-and-strong/
Sometimes the publisher is shipping the paperback version much faster, during the pandemic. Also, PDF is available for folks who want an e-book.

The diet industry just keeps writing diets for the minority of people who diets work for.
Lean and Strong is about expanding how many people it could make a difference for. Fat Loss Happens on Monday did that with food habits. Lean and Strong expands even further with eating skills and psychology.
Book info:
Lean and Strong: Eating Skills, Psychology, and Workouts
By Josh Hillis, foreword by Molly Galbraith
Photography by Julia Morgan, Model Liz Kushner, graphic design by Karen Chin
OnTarget Publications, April 2020
ISBN: 1931046409
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Lean-Strong-Eating-Psychology-Workouts/dp/1931046409
Book Awards:

2021 Silver Medal Winner: Benjamin Franklin Book Award — Psychology
2021 Colorado Book Award Finalist — Non-fiction:
Winners announced June 26th, 2021