Ok so now we know that Captain Marvel (the first female superhero movie) will come out July 6th, 2018. While we don’t yet know who will play her, the question is — can we predict what her movie workout will be?
I think we can.
Ok, I gotta admit, as big of a nerd as I am — I’m mostly a comic book movie nerd. Sure I read Sandman and some Image Comics growing up, but I never got into Marvel until the movies.
So I didn’t know a lot about Carol Danvers, as either Ms. Marvel before, or now taking up the mantle of Captain Marvel, from her deceased mentor.
So I read the newest series cover to cover: http://amzn.com/B00NAHL15I
Turns out Captain Marvel is a super badass:
1.) She can fly,
2.) She’s super strong,
3.) Shoots crazy blasts of energy from hands
So, in the Avengers, that puts her on the Hulk/Ironman/Thor side of the continuum:
Crazy super ultra mega strong:
• Captain Marvel
• Hulk
• Ironman
• Thor
Super Strong:
• Captain America
And these guys are on the team also:
• Black Widow
• Hawkeye
• Nick Fury
Along with that, at different times she’s been a CIA operative, a fighter pilot, editor in chief of a magazine, a superhero on Earth, a superhero in space, she’s been a member of the Avengers and she’s led the Avengers.
Right now she’s the Avenger in space, and she bounces off of The Guardians of the Galaxy from time to time. And Rocket is trying to kill her cat.
So What is Her Workout Going to be Like?
We have a pretty good idea of what superhero workouts look like by now. We’ve seen about a zillion women get in shape for action hero roles, and the workouts all look pretty similar.
Lets take a look at some action hero workouts from the past:
Scarlett Johansson Avengers Workout — Kettlebells, pullups, lunges, pushups, squats, core work
Jessica Biel Blade Workout — Strength training circuits, sprinting, boxing
Olivia Wilde Tron Workout — Rotational lunges, jump lunges, jump squats, pushups, side lunges, combination exercises
Ashley Greene Twighlight Workout — Kettlebell swings, squats, pushups, pushing a weighted sled, lunges
Sienna Miller G.I. Joe Workout — Strength Training and Boxing
Vanessa Hudgens Sucker Punch Workout — Deadlifts, kettlebell push presses, kettlebell carries, squats, lunges
Jenna Malone, Vanessa Hudges, Jamie Chung Sucker Punch — Deadlifting, weapons training, flipping tires, strength training circuits
Here’s what they all have in common:
Bodyweight exercises: Pullups, pushups, lunges, squats, jump squats
Kettlebell exercises: Swings, deadlifts, push presses
Barbell exercies: Deadlifts
Boxing: Because awesome fight scenes, obviously!
Food: Chicken, fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, brown rice, avocado, olive oil
So you know that she’s going to get strong in the big basic movements (pushing, pulling, squatting, and hip hinging).
She’s going to use bodyweight movements, she’s going to use kettlebells, dumbbells and barbells.
She’s going to change the number of sets and reps every month. She’s also going to have phases of doing high intensity circuits.
She’s going to eat high quality food to get leaner. She’s going to eat more quantity if she needs to gain weight, she’s going to eat less quantity if she needs to lose weight.
Lean and Strong
It’s pretty safe to say that whoever plays Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel is going to have to get lean and strong.
There are two reasons I always write about the superhero workouts for these movies:
1.) I totally love it, and I can’t stop myself.
2.) They’re all the same. I really want you to get that there is a fairly simple formula for what works, workout wise and food wise.
We have a solid idea of what she’s going to do. As far as the how, that’s also a slam dunk — she’s going to have a trainer (for accountability) and she’s going to have a hard deadline (the filming date), and those are both a big part of the magic of getting in action hero shape fast — having external structures to keep her on track.
We have a pretty proven roadmap of the how that works above, and it’s safe to say that the future Captain Marvel will follow the same formula.
By Josh Hillis
Author of Fat Loss Happens on Monday: Habit Based Diet and Workout Hacks
From On Target Publications, upcoming release: November 28th, 2014
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