1.) Get back on your eating program. If you're doing a carb cycling program, remember today is a protein and fat (no carb) day. Simple, easy, effective, and you'll feel awesome and back on track again.
If you are on a calorie tracking program, it's important to weigh and measure your portions for a few weeks every year, to make sure you are on top of your portion sizes. Today would be an awesome day to start tracking and weighing and measuring.
2.) Get back on your workout program. You don't need a special "Thanksgiving Workout", just get back on your regular program.
If for some reason you can't make it to the gym, just get active. Even if it's just going for a bike ride, get active today and get active as early in the day as possible.
If you're doing a program that has a hard, medium and easy day each week (like Enter the Kettlebell or any of my now closed Platinum Coaching Club Workouts or my personal client's workouts) then you can make today your hard day – even if that means you have two hard days this week. It's mostly a mental thing – you'll totally feel back on track.
3.) Be Happy! If you had a free day yesterday, that was part of your plan! Now the trick is that today IS NOT a free day. Get back to the other part of your program!
Smart way to approach it mate. Don’t beat yourself up just get back on the horse & nail it today!