A lot of folks don’t get why social distancing matters. I put together this quick reference guide with five links and super short TL/DR summaries. At the very least, read the last one with Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Triage medicine in Italy — they’re considering just giving up on everyone over 80, because they don’t have the resources to save them.
We are trying to stay home. Or, at the very least, maintain six feet of distance from other people. The reason: We want to spread out the infection rate so that we don’t overwhelm the medical system (and end up in the same sitation as Italy, above)
The mathematical reality of COVID-19 spread. It’s already doubling every six days.
CDC Projections: The difference between the worst case scenario (1,700,000 dead) and best case scenario (200,000 dead) is social distancing.
We’re already better off than the worst case scenarios, because of the school closures and folks working from home. Where we end up between the best case scenarios and the second-to-worst scenario depends on how well we continue to do that.
Don’t compare this to the Swine Flu of 2009, or seasonal flu, or the common cold, or anything else in our lifetimes. The closest comparison is the Spanish Flu of 1918.
Dr. Fauci, director of the NIAIH, is on all major news outlets asking people to do the recommended social distancing.
I’m not posting this to alarm anyone, or to say that anyone should panic. I just see experts and epidemiologists recommending social distancing, and folks on Facebook still not understanding why or even openly mocking it.
Social distancing is really important for our grandparents and folks with certain preexisting conditions. Please listen to experts like Dr, Fauci.
In fact, the whole thing could be summarized as listen to Dr. Fauci, director of the NIAIH, listen to Dr Fauci, listen to Dr. Fauci, listen to Dr. Fauci.
We’ll get through this if we all come together (just not physically LOL) and follow the recommendations.
*Feel free to share, copy and paste, edit, change, remix, improve, or use this in any way that you think might help people.
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