How does she do it? How does she get those wicked abs without working out?
According to the article in Shape: She eats small portions… and both of her parents were models.
So, either she's lying – which is the cool thing to do in Hollywood – or she's just super lucky.
Look, maybe both of your parents were models, and you look like that without working out also.
But I'm betting that isn't the case. I'm betting that if you woke up in the morning looking like Angie Harmon automatically, you wouldn't be reading this blog.
Maybe you've got a friend you know that's just like that. Maybe you know someone who doesn't have to lift weights, and looks like a rockstar.
That's not most of my clients. That's probably not you. That's definitely not me.
We've got to work for it.
That's ok.
Find yourself a smart workout program.
Keep a food journal and eat as clean as possible.
You may not wake up looking like Angie Harmon tomorrow, but if you work at it, you can get as lean as you want. It's just time and effort.
Remember that – all that's between you and the body you want is time and effort.
Celebrate every hour you put in in the gym. Celebrate every drop of sweat. Celebrate that you fed your body with good nutrition and that todays food was fuel for performance.
You don't have to be perfect tomorrow (I'll give you a hint, no one is perfect).
Just be a little bit better today than you were yesterday.
Celebrate every inch you drop. Celebrate every pound of fat you lose. Celebrate every new pound of iron you can lift. Celebrate everything new you learn.
Simple Formula to get the Body and the Fitness You Want:
Just get a little better every week.
Get a little better every day.
Celebrate often.
By Josh Hillis
Author of How To Lose The Stubborn Seven Pounds
Josh is one of the five fat loss experts in The Ultimate Fat Loss Answers
Josh is a fat loss expert, a kettlebell instructor and personal trainer in Denver, Colorado. Josh helps women lose stubborn fat.
Josh is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) and Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM-PES), and currently studying the Corective Exercise Specialist (NASM-CES) course.
© Joshua Hillis 2007
Angie’s gorgeous, but she looks like an example of someone who’s just naturally thin. Maybe it’s just me, but I think she’d look even better if she did hit the gym and added about 5-10 pounds of muscle to her arms, shoulders, abs and thighs.
By the way, the Fighter Workout’s from the holiday fitness giveaway are fantastic! I’m using them to get in and out of the weight room fast during the busy holiday season, but I still feel like I’ve really worked my body at the end of a session. I’ve passed on your website to several like-minded friends, and we all agree that you’ve got the most effective moves around! Keep up the great work.