Mark "Rif" Reifkind is a Senior Russian Kettleble Challenge Instructor has a really cool blog about his training. Today he posted pictures of his wife Tracy, the post is called "A Year of KB Training". After one year of kettlebell training, his wife has lost over 100lbs. She went from 245lbs to 138lbs and looks amazing. You have got to check it out –
Rif's Blog – "A Year of KB Training"
for the full story – an the before pictures – check out the first article in this issue of Vitalics Magazine –
I know that most people who have over 100lbs that they would like to lose see it as nearly impossible, unless you're on "The Biggest Loser" TV show and have two workouts a day and meals prepared for you. It's totally amazing to see someone lose that much fat, and reveal a lean toned hot body underneath.
The article in Vitalics is titled "How To Lose 100lbs WIth No Drugs or Surgery In Less Than One Year". And the thing that's so cool is if someone used drugs or surgery to lose 100lbs, they wouldn't look that good, they wouldn't feel that good. They wouldn't be in that amazing of shape and feel that strong and be able to move that well. And they wouldn't feel nearly as proud or inspired about their body. That is why it's so cool to see a transformation like that from diet and exercise – it leaves you with an amazingly strong fit powerful body. You get a body that inspires you.
In the article Tracy talks about how it's not just about looks, it's about her health and being there to take care of her family. She's taking care of herself, so they she can continue to take care of her family. Super, super cool.
It's amazing because it shows you what's possible. I'm so totally pumped. It's a really cool story, the before and after pics are totally inspiring. I love to read stories like that.
I hope Rif and Tracy don't mind me borrowing this picture, but a picture is worth 1000 words:
Can you imagine that Tracy was 245lbs a year ago? It's amazing – now she's healthy, lean, toned, fit, strong, balanced, flexible, and mobile.
Tracey completely transformed her body with kettlebell swings and a clean diet.
I just found Tracy's Training/Diet Blog. I think keeping a blog is a really cool way to manage your training log and food journal, and it takes real guts to make it public. I strongly recommend keeping a training log/food journal, and making it a public blog is a great form of accountability.
Also check out Girya Kettlebell Training, their gym. I think it's somewhere in the Palo Alto area. If you are anywhere around there, I definately recommend training with them.
Quote from Tracy: "I often say that dieting changed the size of my body and KB training changed the composition. Not only am I 130lbs., but around 20% bodyfat!"
I’ve lost almost 80 lbs. in the last 7 1/2 months and have another 25 or so to go. I’m always looking for a new and FUN workout… this is the first I’ve seen kettlebells. I’m going to have to give them a try!
Great job, Tracy, and thanks to you, Josh, for sharing her story 🙂