“Jenna’s 300”
25 Pullups @ 70lb assist
50 Deadlifts @ 70lbs
50 Pushups
50 Box Jumps @ 12″ box
50 Situps
50 Clean and Press @ 20lb Dumbbell
25 Pullups @ 70lb assist
34 minutes
Just another example of how we scaled the workout to perfectly fit the level of the client. This was an awesome workout/challenge for Jenna, and she did awesome.
You’ll notice we scaled both the weights used and we changed the floor wipers to sit-ups.
Jenna works out all of the time, and is really fit, but wasn’t quite ready for full pull-ups or heavy deadlifts for this many reps.
On the other hand, she rocked the 50 pushups no problem!
Most people in the gym aren’t ready for 50 pull-ups, while under heavy fatigue, and that’s ok. You can use the assisted pull-up machine to scale the pull-ups to a level that you are at. The same goes for deadlifts and clean and presses.
I still get emails from people who think that you have to do the workout exactly as it was written, no matter what. That’s ridiculous. They were big dudes who’d been training at Gym Jones in both strength and circuits like that. It was a challenge for them, but it was also designed for them.
The smart play is to scale the workout to your level. You don’t need to do the 300 workout exactly as it was written for those actors.
Also, it’s a challenge, not a workout program. You don’t do it all the time, you do it as a challenge, once in a while.
You build your fitness, over time, with a mix of workouts. Sometimes you do strength workouts, sometimes you do circuits. Sometimes you push your workouts really hard, other times you workout at like 70%. You need a variety of fitness stimuli, and you need a variety of intensity.
The single workout isn’t magic, it’s the principles the workout is based on that are magic:
- Full body athletic movements like pull-ups, deadlifts, kettlebell cleans, presses, ect.
- Full body workouts – work everything at once. Not “back and biceps” on Monday and “chest and triceps” on Wednesday.
- Train for performance and the body will follow.
By Josh Hillis
Author of The Stubborn Seven Pounds: Take Your Body from Good to Rockstar.
Joshua Hillis 2007
when are you gonna do the workout and post a video of yourself doing it ??
Hopefully soon. I jacked up my elbow and knee. My knee has two more weeks of light duty, but my elbow was referred to a specialist. I hear from my sports medicine doc next week about what I did to my elbow, and what I need to do to fix it. In the meantime, no deadlifting, no pullups, no overhead presses, no pushups, ect.
c’mon. man up. take the pain boy !!