Strong girls are hot
Day One: High intensity, time based circuits
Day Two: Sprints at the track
According to her trainer, Jason Walsh: “Usually sprints ranging from 200m at 75% to 100m at 100%. We do 6-8 sets depending on how she’s feeling from the day before.
We’ll sometimes end with some hops up stairs (single and double leg) and I’ll let her recover to 120 BPM (beats per minute) to get better output during each rep.”
Day 3: Regeneration and recovery work. Lots of foam rolling.
Day 4: More high intensity, time based circuit training.
Day 5: Punching and kicking focus mitts, in rounds.
Day 6: Recreational sports
You’ll notice that Jessica Biel does a lot of high intensity, time based circuits. Does that sound familiar?
Chinups and pullups are both pulling your chin over the bar – pullups are palms facing away from you, and chinups are palms facing you. I have a tendency to use the term pullup for either one, but since people ask all the time, I thought I’d clear that up.
Jessica Biel does chinups in sets of six.
I throw this out there because typically my leanest girl clients are busting out, on average, six unassisted chinups per set.
I wanted to highlight this for all the girls that “think they’ll never be able to do an unassisted chinup”. The truth is, it’s only a matter of time. On average, my clients (girl and guy) take away about 10lbs of assistance on the assisted pullup machine every month. That means that if you’re using 70lbs of assistance right now, you’re probably about seven months away from doing full, unassisted chinups.
Or there are the girls who “think they’d have enormous arms” if they did chinups. Check out Jessica Biel’s arms. Case closed.
Jessica Biel’s Movie Star Cardio
I put the full quote about the sprint day so you can see what movie star cardio really looks like: Running 200m sprints and 100m sprints.
If you’ve never run at a track before, you might not be familiar with how short 200 meters is – it’s half a lap around the track. It’s 1/8th of a mile.
So on one hand you’ve got all the people in the gym doing long… slow… mile after mile of cardio. And you know how they look… And then you’ve got Jessica Biel doing extremely short, fast sprints, and you know how fit she looks.
Also, there’s a cardiovascular response to the kinds of circuits she’s doing – all the squats, lunges, pullups, deadlifts, and even the punching and kicking drills.
Single leg squats and single leg deadlifts.
Well guess what? Jessica Biel isn’t doing Curves circuits. She’s doing circuits made up of really, really hard, big, intense movements like single leg squats and single leg deadlifts. Two of my absolute favorite exercises.
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, I’ve beat the squat and deadlift thing into the ground. I’ll say it one more time: You will not get the body you want without learning how to correctly squat and deadlift, and then getting strong in those movements.
A lot of people don’t know how to squat and deadlift, and a lot of people do it wrong. If you’re not a squatting and deadlifting pro already, find yourself a RKC (certified kettlebell instructor) or CPT (certified personal trainer) in your area to teach you how. I’m forever grateful to my first trainer Dave Werner for teaching me to squat and deadlift.
If you get on a first name basis with squats and deadlifts, then getting the body you want is only a matter of time and consistency.
Seriously, it’s worth the time and effort required to learn how to do single leg squats and single leg deadlifts.
You can also check out my other article: Jessica Biel Workout: Get the beach body
By Josh Hillis
Author of How To Lose The Stubborn Seven Pounds
Josh is currently finishing up his second book Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss
Josh is a fat loss expert, a kettlebell instructor and personal trainer in Denver, Colorado. Josh helps women and men lose stubborn fat.
“I’ve seen more results in 6 weeks training with Josh than I saw in the previous two years working out on my own” -Stephanie Weis
© Joshua Hillis 2008
Josh I always get a ton of great stuff from you. Your methods are right on and truely effective.
Keep sharing the love…
Staying fit and healthy really is the key for many of us. It allows all the positive and productive traits to shine with in us.
I am really not sure how I found this site, but I love it! I notice I have been hitting it about 3 times a week to check out new posts.
Good information and right on! I am working on those unassisted pull ups! I went from a ‘soft athletic look’ to a much leaner look from using heavier weights and cardio correctly. Trust me, it was a hard concept to grasp, especially after being a gymnast for so long and feeling like I got “bulky” easily.
Also, it’s just fun to read about what the stars REALLY do. Pilates, yoga, chase the kids… please.
-Laura Swim
Thanks Laura!
I’m so stoked you like it!
And I’m even more stoked that it made a difference for you.
Hey, if you’ve got a good before/after picture, I’d love to feature you on the site!
ahhhh, finally… the right Jessica!
Great article.
i need to lose my gut on my tummy and butt whats the best exercise for that and what foods should i stay away from?
Marcus: Glad you liked it!
Maggie: Search through past articles, that’s what this whole site is about!
Great post! Who knew that Mary from 7th Heaven would turn into such a fitness dynamo!
Do you ever do dragon twists? It’s my “favorite” squat variation.
Here’s a link to a description of it:
Hi Josh, I just happened upon your site, and I was excited for 2 reasons, 1: great advice and motivation and 2: I adore Jessica Biel. She is truly my fitness idol, and I really hope to shape my body to look similar to hers. She is so strong and beautiful, and she defies Hollywood’s stick-girl standards. I love that.
I started in December and have made amazing progress, thanks to my personal trainer. I’m going to suggest to him the single-leg squats and deadlifts, and see if we can work that into our routine.
In a couple months, maybe I’ll send you a good before and after shot. But in the meantime, here’s a good pic of my gunz 😉
(Don’t take me too seriously, haha)
Thanks again! I’ll be watching 🙂
Great stuff! I totally agree. We need more posts like this.
Looking forward to your next post.
Hi Josh,
Great site!
I agree…deadlifts are king. I uses them primarily for mass builiding and to help get clients functional.
Leon Lavigne
Bevely Hills Fitness Group, Inc.
Sprinting has been part of my cardio workout for years, and the benefits have been tremendous. I’m now 51 years old, and I still go to the track once or twice a week and run sprints.
Hi , thanks 4 this post. It opens some new ways of looking to muscle building and fitness in general. it is just very sad when people are not open for learning new ways and tactics. problem is people are getting confused and even negative about weight lifting when those people start teaching others and preaching their “visions” . it is therefore important to have places like you have here . I wish you best results !
Hi , thanks 4 this post. It opens some new ways of looking to muscle building and fitness in general. it is just very sad when people are not open for learning new ways and tactics. problem is people are getting confused and even negative about weight lifting when those people start teaching others and preaching their “visions” . it is therefore important to have places like you have here . I wish you best results !
Was Looking around and found this this. Really a good post.
Ah, a fan of single leg squats and deadlifts – me too! I love them! I don’t think you can find a more engaging or functional exercise than single leg squats especially if yu add instability at the base of the foot. My favourite is single leg bench squats cos the bench is foam padded and adds extra balance at the ankle – awesome. Then, another fav of mine is single leg stiff leg deadlifts for hammy’s and balance , this one is real tough 🙂
Keep up the good work Josh! Your fellow fitness friend,
Mr. Inta-Fitness
Great info. I would like a little bit more detail info about this pleae.
Hey josh I enjoy your blog alot. One quick question. I understand the iumportance of wt. training for legs especially for women but how do you confince your clients that they won’t “bulk up” and what rep range do you do 10-12 6-8 thanks
That’s some good info to know. Thank you!!!
Hi Josh
Am an avid 39 year old female reader of your blog. Only problem.I am an expat living in Papua New Guinea. Not many personal trainers here to put your suggetions into action. I mention kettle bells and am met with blank expressions.I would love some more detailed info on how to do,say the Jessical Biel workout, but I need amore info on the circuit workouts and how to do them and what time based circuits are and wht exercises to do etc etc Help..need input.
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Josh – Day 3 of Jessica’s workout mentions recovery and regeneration work. Can you give examples of things to do for that?
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Resistance training is the most efficient form of fat burning exercise, but aerobic exercise has great value as well.
Research shows that you must pay attention to your diet as well. One expert has said that exercise accounts for 65% of fat loss, while diet accounts for 35%.
Get more info at http://www.fatburninganswers.com/informative-articles/fat-burning-diet
Jessica Biel rocks. Long lean muscles is the preferred look. Pilates definitely play a big role in achieving this body. Thanks for this article… big fan!
lady looking great…….
Thanks Laura!
I’m so stoked you like it!
And I’m even more stoked that it made a difference for you.
Hey, if you’ve got a good before/after picture, I’d love to feature you on the site!
my url http://www.health-today.org
Awesome question!
joint mobility
weighted joint mobility
Foam rolling
active stretching
passive stretching
I used to work in a gym back in the days before kettlebells were standard equipment, and we got awesome results.
Dumbbells are awesome.
Bodyweight is awesome.
Just think big movements: Push, pull, squat, hip hinge.
Don’t get caught up on tools. There is always a “best” tool, and then there is reality – making due with what you have access to.
If all you have is your own body: Pushup variations, squat variations, pullup variations or dumbbell rows, and deadlifts with dummbells.
Glad you liked it =)
Really great question!
Rep range should change monthly. We do it all. Some months are sets of 10, some are sets of 20, some are sets of 5. It rotates like the seasons.
Women bulk up when the EAT TO MUCH. No other reason.
Too much muscle? In seven years I’ve only had that be the problem ONE time. Too much fat? Very common. My clients aren’t allowed to complain about bulking up unless they are under 20% bodyfat. Until that point, we just keep doing the workouts (and they just keep losing 2-3% body fat every month).