Take your training to the next level and have fun with a Pullup Challenge!
Half the trainers I know online are in the contest, and dozens of the people who read their blogs are jumping in.
It's off the hook, you've gotta get in on this. Come out and play!
The Rules: Zach Evan-Esch outlined the rules, Mike Roussell updated them for his readers. Now, for you girls and guys, here is the Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss version:
1) Chin must clear the bar
2) Overhand grip
3) NO kipping
4) Weight classes: None
5) Categories: Most Pull ups and Greatest Improvement
6) Friday, November 28th is the deadline. All videos must be submitted via response to my YouTube video. Simply include your link via YouTube with the video title being "Fighter Workout Pull Up Contest with ___________ (your name)".
7) Have FUN! Don't cause me any stress over this contest – Just have fun and look to break your records.
So How'd You Do 12?
I've been thinking about this. If I haven't done overhand pullups in years, how'd I bust out 12? (it kinda surprised me)
First thing is – I do underhand pullups.
Second thing is – I've been doing bent over rows with the 52lb kettlebell.
I always say a workout needs a push, a pull, a squat and a deadlift. So I get my pulls in. I just hadn't done this specific pull in a while, but I've been getting my pulling movements in.
Which is one of those things: If you work out at home and you don't have a pullup bar, just do more bent over rows. Or get a Lifeline USA "Jungle Gym" and do body rows. Just do a big pulling movement somehow.
What I'm Giving Away:
There will be one female and one male winner.
If you win, you'll get both my books for free – The Stubborn Seven Pounds AND Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss (women's or men's, depending on which you are)
If you already have both my books, I'll design a 12 week workout program for you.
And feel free to re-post your video to Mike and Zach's videos, 'cause they're giving away different prizes. If you're going for it, you might as well try to win 'em all!
Here are the guys I know that are in the game: Mike "Naked Nutrition" Roussell, Zach "Underground Strength Coach" Evan-Esch, and Scott "The Ab Expert" Colby are doing. They're all great dudes and awesome sources of fitness wisdom, and you should totally check out their blogs also. I met Scott and Zach, I think, at the Ryan Lee Bootcamp two years ago, and then I met Mike, in person, for the first time at this year's Ryan Lee Bootcamp. All really cool guys.
By Josh Hillis, RKC Level 2
Wicked Effective Fat Loss Programs for Girls and Guys:
Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss For Women – www.fw4fl4w.com
and Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss for Men – www.fw4fl.com
"When we say Hillis, we mean awesome. When we say awesome, we mean Hillis." Dave Whitley, Senior Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor, and owner of Nashville's best fat loss bootcamp.
I've been featured in USA Today and The Denver Post. And like, all the cool kids are in the newspaper.
© Joshua Hillis 2008
What is the song playing in the background while you do the pull-ups. Is that coldplay?
I’m not sure, it was just the radio.
Anyone else know?
Not sure of the song,
Josh, brother, this contest is going to be silly fun
What’s kipping?
What is “kipping”??? I have never done an unassisted pull up so this will be great!
What’s kipping?
A “kipping pullup”:
I don’t really do kipping pullups anymore, but for a couple years I thought they were fun. Anyway, kipping isn’t allowed in this contest.
If you can’t do a full pullup yet, I recommend body rows, pullups assisted with FlexBands or JumpStretch Bands, or the assisted pullup machine. I’ll be posting a video in a couple days.
Dude it is TOTALLY going to be fun!
Can the contest be entered if I only have rings to do pull ups on? Modify the rule to be the chin must clear the top of my knuckles?
James, I’m not sure, Josh will have to check with an official IPC (International Pullup Challenge) Representative. 😛
Josh, I think we need to add a category for best… ummm.. video presentation. (Don’t ask, you’ll see)
Can I do an underhand grip?? Or must it be overhand??? ;-(
What if I live outside of America? Will I be eligible for the prize? If ever?
Paper planes by MIA is the song. I cannot do a single unassisted pullup. I have been doing assisted. Maybe like a lot of girls most of my strength is in my lower body. Plus, I had quit working out half way through my pregnancy and until my baby was six months old so it was like starting over almost. I am intending to bust some out for you now that I have the contest for motivation! Thanks Josh!
how many pullups are the male and female leaders doing at the moment ?