Roll into New Years already being leaner, hotter, healthier, stronger and on track. Get a totally custom plan and a program!
And, if you sign up for coaching between now and Monday at midnight, get all of my e-books for FREE!
And get all of my e-Books for free: The Stubborn Seven Pounds, Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss, System Six: Easy Fat Loss, The Two Kettlebell Fat Loss Supercharger, The Bodyweight Fat Loss Program, and The 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge
So you get literally everything I've got, plus you get a custom program and plan through the holidays and into the new year. It's literally the best way to start 2014.
(this promotion ends Monday at midnight!)
System Six is sells for $47, Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss (when it was still available) was $27, and The Stubborn Seven Pounds is $17.77. So besides your coaching, you're also getting $91.77 in e-books for free!
Magnificent Glorious Phone Coaching:
Phone Coaching + Mega Ultra Custom Program + Unlimited Email Nutrion and Coaching and Food Journal Accountability
$249 - Every week you'll have a 20 minute coaching call with me to set up your game plan for each week. We'll talk about how you are progressing towards your goals, what's the next level, and anything we need to plan for for that week. You'll also get an Ultra Mega Custom Program, and Unlimited email support, and me reviewing your food journal mutliple times per week.
Unlimited Mega Ultra Online Coaching: (most popular) <===
Mega Ultra Custom Program + Unlimited Email Nutrion and Coaching and Food Journal Accountability
$145 - One month totally ultra mega custom workout program, online food coaching, email food/workout accountability, unlimited email support. You'll check in with me 2-3 times per week, I'll review your food journal multiple times per week, and you have unlimited access to ask me questions or get extra customization to your nutrition or workout.
Super Once A Week Accountability:
Totally Custom Program + Once Per Week Email Check-in
$99 - This is ideally for someone who has "graduated" from the Unlimited Mega Ultra Coaching – has already hit all of their body composition goals, and wants to work on a performance goal, like a mud run, a 5k, 10k, sprint triathlon, tactical strength challenge, or a kettlebell certification. Or wants the continued accountabilty to help maintain the newly aquired body compositon goals.
Roll into New Years already being leaner, hotter, healthier, stronger and on track. Get a totally custom plan and a program!
I hope to get to work with you!
What You Do Now
Email with the basics to get started:
Body fat percentage (if you know it):
Short Term Goal (next 12 weeks):
Any health problems or injuries:
How many days per week do you work out? How consistantly?:
How would you describe your current level of fitness:
Which coaching program are you interested in:
How do you want this program to help you hit your goals: – subject line: online coaching
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