This post is going to be short, sweet, and powerful, get ready to create your 2013!
You're gonna want to take a few notes on this one.
The first thing to get solid about for 2013: What results do you want to have?
Put these results in actual measurable numbers.
I don't care if it's dress size or body fat percentage or inches, or what. But you need something measurable so you can tell if you hit it or not.
I recommend setting a body composition results goal and a performance goal.
For girls, if you haven't hit my baseline of 135lb deadlift x 3 and 3 pullups, that should be your performance goal.
For guys, if you haven't hit my baseline of 1.5x bodyweight deadlift and 10 pullups, that should be your performance goal.
Your performance goal should always *serve* your body comp goal, and not vice versa.
Granted, this is a fat loss blog, so if you are a pro-basketball player and your sport comes first that's cool, but I'm speaking to the fat loss oriented folks here. If your goal is fat loss, then keep fat loss #1.
Next – figure out the milestones so you know you are on track. For you to hit your goal for the year, where do you need to be at 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months? To hit your 3 month milestone, where do you need to be at the end of January? Where do you need to be at the end of next week?
Second thing to get solid about for 2013: What do you need to DO or NOT DO to get those results
I'm going to challenge you to go beyond just saying "workout and diet" and dismiss it.
Really take a look at: The kind of person who would hit those results goals, what would they have to do? What would they have to not do?
Work from there. Notice how that may or may not be different from how you've related to hitting your goals previously.
You could take a look at people who have hit those goals and look at what they are doing. You could even ask them.
Back in 2007, I'd been a pretty successful trainer for a while, but I took six months and asked everyone in the gym who had a really bangin' body what they did. It was eye opening, but that's a topic for another blog.
After You Hit Your Goal, Who Would You Get To Be?
So take a look at it – after you hit your goal fat loss goals for the year, who would you be?
How would you feel?
How would you talk about yourself? How would you talk about your body? How would you talk about fitness?
Who would you get to BE?
Take a few minutes with this one, and really get there. Try not to just go back to "doings" and "havings" and really try to dig in on a *being*.
Now That You Know Who You Would Be, BE THAT NOW
Ok, time to flip the script.
The real power is when you start with the being, and then get your ACTIONS (your doings) from what is consistant with the being you created.
Start with who you want to be.
Then do the actions consistant with being that.
And you'll have the results you want.
Rinse and repeat, until sufficiently awesome.
You are human, so you'll also start to notice times when you aren't being that, or the actions you take aren't consistant with who you created to be. That's fine – just notice, and true up your being and doings.
Again – don't make yourself wrong when you catch yourself being human.
Just start being who you said you'd be, and start doing what you said you'd do. That's it.
Alright, have an awesome 2013!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Resources for your 2013 Fat Loss Game
Under $10
The 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge $9.77
The Josh Hillis Nutrition Coaching Seminar $7.95
Transform Your Entire 2013 Fitness Year
System Six: The Absolute Minimum Workout $47.00 sale $24.77
Interventions: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer, by Dan John $24.95
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