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Fat Loss Giant Set (Bodyweight + Medicine) Ball Video
Four ways you could do this giant set:
1.) 10 reps of each move, 60 seconds rest between each giant set, repeat 5 times
2.) 5 reps of each move, 30 seconds rest between each giant set, repeat 7 times
3.) 5 reps of each move, 2:00 intervals, 1:00 rest between each interval, repeat 5 times
3.) How many giant sets in 10 minutes, rest as needed
What Size Medicine Ball?
Of course I'm a big fan of going a little heavier than most for fat loss workouts like this.
An average female workout girl could start off with a 5lb medicine ball, but I bet most women who read this blog would be better suited using 10 or 12lbs.
A guy could go as heavy as a 20lb medicine ball, if his gym has one one.
A really strong dude can just go ahead and use one of those concrete strongman spheres.
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