Sustainability is a hugely important topic, and lately it's spilled over into food. There's been a lot of talk about how many of our current protein sources won't be able to match population growth, and even the current environmental impact of our protein.
I'm no expert on any of these things, but my friend Megan Miller is trying to save the world by making cricket protein paletable and acceptible for the western world.
And she's doing it with chocoalte chip cookies made from cricket flour =)
It's totally amazing, and I just wanted to share with you. Hopefully cricket protein will be coming to a health food store near you in the next five to ten years.
In the meantime, you can get a (paleo) cricket-protein-chocolate-chip-cookie, or a post-workout-paleo-cardamom-cookie:
I know Paleo and gluten-free are the two highest trending diets in the world right now. Trust me, there's nothing more paleo OR gluten free than cricket flour =)
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