Eva Longoria says she credits her toned behind to working with her trainer, Patrick Murphy. She said: “With all the lunges, squats and leg presses, I’ve gained an inch of muscle in my butt.”
Patrick said: “Each session we [Eva Longoria and I] do between 25 and 30 total-body exercises—lunges with torso twists and one-legged squats with clean and press, for example–with 30- to 45-second rests in between.”
Hmmm, sound familiar? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – squats and lunges are the best thing ever. Eva Longoria’s trainer knows his stuff. When it comes to having a major impact on your body composition, there is a certain level of intensity we are looking for. You aren’t going to get that kind of intensity from muscle isolation with easy machines. You need exercises that use lots of muscles in coordination. You need to do some real work. You need to learn how to move.
Squats and lunges (in all of their different variations) are just what we are looking for, and the cornerstones of any good program. Squats and lunges use the quads (top of the legs), hamstrings (back of the legs) and glutes (butt) all at the same time. No combination of leg curls (hamstrings only) and leg extensions (quads only) would have the same effect – the sum is more than the parts.
Do an experiment – one day do all machines. The next day do all squats, lunges, and free-weights. Notice the heart pounding full body difference after a good set of lunges or one legged squats. This is what we are going for. This is what produces results.
Squats and lunges are going to give you the hot Eva Longoria butt – rockstar body you want. You need to be doing them, and it’s worth learning how to do them right.
You may have noticed that Patrick also mentioned that Eva does “Clean and Presses”. The clean and press is another full body exercise standard to kettlebell training.
By Josh Hillis
Author of How To Lose The Stubborn Seven Pounds: Take Your Body from Good to Rockstar.
National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) and Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM-PES),
and currently studing the Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM-CES)˚ credential.
Russian Kettlebell Challenge Certified Instructor (RKC)* and Combat Applications Specialist (RKC2/CAS)
*RKC certified 2004-2006, registered to recertify 2007
˚NASM-CES will be completed 2007
© Joshua Hillis 2007
Hi Joshua,
I have a question. There is thi equipment in my gym that looks like climbing stair steps. Will that do anything good for the butt area?
Also, how about bikes?
For sure, stair climbers are awesome!
I was a ballet dancer for 10 years and I had some health problems a couple years ago and I was put on steroids and quit ballet. In that process, I gained 20 lbs. (which was 1/5 of my body weight at the time). I’m 16 yrs now and haven’t been able to really tone up my inner thighs and the back of my thigh. Are squats and lunges the most effective way of dealing with this problem?
I am 21, a single mother and a college student. Even though I’m an active person, I do spend a lot of time sitting. I hit the gym 3 times a week for an hour of cardio as well as rowing and climbers. However, I still don’t seem as toned as I want to be on my backside and inner thighs. I’ve gained 10lbs in two months, but it doesn’t show. Do you have any suggestions for someone who doesn’t get a lot of time away from a toddler?
I am 21, a single mother and a college student. Even though I’m an active person, I do spend a lot of time sitting. I hit the gym 3 times a week for an hour of cardio as well as rowing and climbers. However, I still don’t seem as toned as I want to be on my backside and inner thighs. I’ve gained 10lbs in two months, but it doesn’t show. Do you have any suggestions for someone who doesn’t get a lot of time away from a toddler?
Holly and Rebecca –
Both of you want to maximize your time by adding in some weight training.
Think lunges, squats, deadlifts, pullups and dips.
Rebecca – if you have trouble getting workout time in, think one legged squats (which don’t require leaving home) or if you have some dumbbells at home add one leg deadlifts also.
Thanks so much Joshua, that really helps a lot! 🙂
Hi Josh
Is swimming (breast stroke) good for losing weight on the stomach?