Scarlett Johansson rocks the catsuit in Iron Man 2 as Black Widow. First she wrote about how all of the workout routines attributed to her were b.s. and the only thing we knew about her workout was that she said “lunges suck and chinups are impossible.”
But now we have the actual details from her trainer, Bobby Strom. Bobby Strom is also well known for getting Scarlett’s boyfriend, Ryan Reynolds, the superhero body he had in Blade and Wolverine.
Strom told SELF Magazine: “I was having her do a lot of balance, coordination, and core work, but what she really loved was the strength training–things like pullups and kettlebells–and the idea of feeling and looking strong.”
Leading up to the movie, Scarlett worked out 7 days per week. Strom said they would have worked out 8 days per week if they could have. Now it’s just become part of Scarlett’s lifestyle, and she works out three days per week.
Workout are around 90 minutes, and including multiple bursts of cardio-strength-training circuits.
Scarlett’s workout was mostly based around bodyweight strength movements: Lots of variations of lunges, pushups and chinups. Strom is a fan of mixing squat jumps and jump lunges into circuits of squats and split squats to really jack up the intensity.

By buzzfuss / 123RF Stock Photo
Three Things You Should Take From Scarlett’s Workout Program:
1.) Circuit Training – The foundation of fat loss workouts – circuit training just works for fat loss. A few years ago this would be news, by now everyone knows that circuits of strength training movements is THE way to build an effective fat loss workout.
2.) Bodyewight strength training: Squats, lunges, split squats, chinups – Intense full body movements are fat loss workout staples.
3.) Explosive movements: Kettlebell training, jump lunges, jump squats – For intermediate and advanced workout girls, these explosive movements take your workouts to the next level.
Scarlett’s Iron Man 2 / Black Widow Diet:
Ultimately though, if you have aspirations of fitting in to a skin tight black catsuit, you’re going to have to have a skin tight black catsuit diet to go with it. Scarlett told Parade:
“I was eating really, really clean.
But you can’t deprive yourself. That’s when you really get in trouble because you have like low energy and feel deprived.
I was constantly eating, but it was all super clean food, a lot of veggies and protein, that kind of thing. It makes you feel good, especially when you are exercising.
I felt really strong, efficient and athletic, all of those things. It helped me to feel confident about my physicality. It was one less thing to worry about.”
—by Josh Hillis
I would be flattened if all websites gave articles like that.