I know that at this point bad kettlebell videos are almost getting cliche, but here it is:
Sadly, this isn't that different from the kind of stupidity that you see in gyms every day. I keep trying to convince myself that everyone has got the kettlebell thing down by now…
most TRAINERS still don't know what good kettlebell form looks like, or what to do with a kettlebell. So much nonsense, like the video above
I'm going to give everyone a three and a half huge hints on kettlebell training:
1.) The best thing to do with kettlebells are swings.
2.) The best thing to do with kettlebells are swings
3.) If you don't know how to clean a kettlebell correctly with one hand, then pick it up slowly with two hands.
3.5) More moves are not better. That creative jump twisting press you just thought about? Do that with a medicine ball (if at all), what kettlebells are good for, are swings.
That is all.
-Josh Hillis, RKC, CPT, PES, ZMIS
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