This is the kind of stuff that really pisses me off.
It's a company advertising that their green tea will help you lose tons and tons of weight.
Look, I love me some green tea.
But the kind of weight loss they are talking about, the tea would have to contain crack, ephedra, AND amphetamines.
It's ridiculous.
It's green tea people.
Check it out:
What's really scary, is that they use some really, really amazing marketing.
Well crafted sales letter, great testimonials.
Hey wait – did you notice that they offer to BUY testimonials for $1000? WTF?
People ask me about stuff like this all the time. Look, Ephedra worked, back in the day. But that's the thing about "instant magic fixes", if they actually work, they are soon made illegal.
Look – I have found magic in the fitness industry, it's just not as magic as we would want it to be.
When I found Pavel's Beyond Stretching seminar, I made spectacular "magical" gains in my flexibility. And I'd never made any flexibility gains in my life before that.
The non-magic part? It's way harder than normal "stretching", and I have to do it a few times per week.
When I found Z-Health, I found a neurological drill that magically took away all the pain in my knee, and at the same time made me twice as strong. That's pretty magical.
The non-magic part? My homework is to do that drill three times per day. And the drill is very precise – it has to be done perfectly or it doesn't work.
With smart diet and exercise, I've seen magical weight loss in my clients.
The non-magical part? They actually had to do the work and eat right.
Do you want magical fat loss? Here are five tips.
1.) Sleep an extra hour per night. The hormonal response produced from getting the sleep that you really need, is truly magical.
2.) Eat breakfast. When you break your night long starvation and feed yourself with the food that you need, it boosts your metabolism.
3.) Keep a workout log. Track how often you are really getting in to the gym, and how much stronger you are really getting.
4.) Keep a food log. Track the number of meals that you eat each week that are unprocessed, whole food, and have protein. Track the number of meals you eat that are crap. Make sure you have good food at least 80% of the time. Ideally 90%.
5.) Repeat steps 1-4. They are the things you should be doing anyway. Magical results come from doing the basics correctly, and with consistency.
By Josh Hillis
Author of How To Lose The Stubborn Seven Pounds
Josh is one of the five fat loss experts in The Ultimate Fat Loss Answers
Josh is a fat loss expert, a kettlebell instructor and personal trainer in Denver, Colorado. Josh helps women and men lose stubborn fat.
"I've seen more results in 6 weeks training with Josh than I saw in the previous two years working out on my own" -Stephanie Weis
© Joshua Hillis 2008
cmh says
Hey josh, I really enjoy your site and downloaded your book a while back. I just wanted to add that I tried the green tea with negligible results.
For now I’m sticking with CLA at 5g for the next few months while I take my training intensity up a notch after a 3 month layoff.
Anectodally I’ve heard some people saying that green tea and CLA seemed to interfere with one another. So for now (and since I don’t love green tea unless it is ice cream or gelato and that is obviously not happening) I’m staying off of it just so I can see what works and what doesn’t outside of the training of course.
Thanks for all the information by the way I’ve gotten at least 3 people to look into kettle bell training all thanks to you.
me says
well i thought i had been doing good w/ my butt-toning exercises (lunges, stair climber, walking on high incline) looked in the mirror and the jiggle is still there. Only 2 mo’s til bathing suite season and I want Jessica Alba’s pre baby butt!!!!!!!!!
How much weight should i lunge w/?
I am 5’6 about 127 Ibs.
Anne Keckler | ACSM Certified Personal Trainer says
Yep, there are no results without effort. Often a lot of effort.
But ephedra isn’t illegal. 😉
Lais says
I still get SHOCKED about how much BS I read about how to lose weight. In Brazil its way simpler:
Eat right. Workout. Consistency. No matter what.
Its not easy – NOT AT ALL, but very very simple.
I think your tips for fat loss are awesome Josh. You make it simple, you remind me the basics. And inspire me every day to keep that in mind.
David says
You mentioned Pavel’s Beyond Stretching seminar. Is that information available in a printed version? And what is Z-Health. I have torn the lateral meniscus in my left knee (surgical addressed) and both menisci in my right knee. Knee pain is not a stranger to me. Where do I get more information on Z-Health?
Josh Hillis says
Pavel’s Beyond Stretching was filmed at the Unlock! seminar, you can get DVDs here:
Z-Health info you can find at
You can find a Z-Certified trainer at
SeanBissell says
Awesome post!
I agree 100% that sticking with the basics and doing it 80-90% of the time is where you get almost all of your results.
And I think kettlebells are one of the best ways to get back to the basics.
Along with just kettlebells I like to use basic squats, deadlifts, military press, bench press, etc.
Those are some great “basic” compound lifts.
But as you know, diet comes first and foremost in any good muscle gain, or weight loss plan.
If you want to lose belly fat, or any fat for that matter, basics are key.
sara says
Thank you for saying it like it is. I love reading your blog. I’ve started doing your program which I bought. I’ve learned a lot from you.
Frank says
So true. We humans are always looking for the quick fix out of our troubles. Have a pain? Pop a a painkiller instead of trying to understand WHY you are in pain. Too fat? Oh well-surely there is a magical drug or miracle green tea that will quickly banish away our blubber. Or just get the offending tissue cut out. No need to critically examine our exercise or eating habits. Our shortsighted thinking always fails us.
TeD G says
Really Nice Articles and Useful at the same time
Joesph Longo says
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acai berry says
good stuff to know and read a bout.. very informative. Will bookmark. Thanks alot 🙂