So how did he get his 007 Body?
You guys probably aren’t going to be shocked – he did high intensity circuits.
Guess what kind of movements he used –
Clean and Jerks
Bench Press
Does that sound familiar? If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time at all, that’s exactly what I do with my clients. That’s the exact same kind of workout as Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss.
The only difference between that and what I do, is I would switch out the clean and jerks for kettlebell swings. But it’s the same idea.
Or screw it, I might just go with it. While I almost never do it with my clients, I love to do RKC-Style two kettlebell clean and jerks. Pavel, in The Russian Kettlebell Challenge, talked about how powerful two kettlebell clean and jerks are for building muscle.
Daniel Craig told his trainer Simon Waterson, “I’ve got to look like I could kill someone when I take my shirt off”
Daniel Craig changed it up a little from Casino Royale. For Casino Royale it was all weight training.
For Quantum of Solace he took out some weight training, and added in boxing.
In other words, he’s changing from just looking like he could kill someone, to actually being able to.
Put Together Your 007 Body
For adding muscle and leaning up, it’s hard to beat big, compound movements. It’s not shocking at all that Daniel Craig’s weight training is circuits of pushing, pulling, squatting, and clean and jerks
If you were my client, I’d run you through Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss circuits. The exact same stimulus that Daniel Craig used in his circuits. We’d always be trying to get more work done in the same amount of time.
And Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss strength workouts. With a strong bias towards lifting heavier and getting stronger. The same big movements Daniel Craig did, the same big movements we are always talking about – pushing, pulling, squatting, and deadlifting.
It’s Just What Works
None of this should be shocking. These are the same kinds of workouts they did for the 300 Movie. These are the same kinds of workouts that Jason Statham has been doing lately. It’s all the same. It works.
The personal training world has caught on to what strength and conditioning coaches have known for decades: Big movements. Build real strength. High intensity circuits.
Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss, the most kick ass, intense fat loss program you can do, is still on SALE:
By Josh Hillis, Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor
“I ripoff Josh Hillis‘ workouts to use with my clients on a regular basis.” – Dave Whitley, Senior Russian Kettleball Challenge Instructor
Josh has been featured in USA Today and The Denver Post.
Umm… Pretty weak Josh.
As a matter of fact this, along with your picture from his movie 2 years ago has already been covered in much greater detail than your post. The program you barely describe was actually from Casino Royale.
The next time you want to incorporate current events / pop culture to pimp your own PDF’s at least do the source justice by highlighting the actual training specifics. Stick with your own merits.. not someone else’s.
Hey Josh-
What can I do at home instead of pullups? I am not strong enough to do a pullup without assistance. At the gym I use the machine that gives you assistance but I obviously don’t have that at home (where I usually work out for time reasons). Thanks!
Hey Josh,
You are getting people to realize that training hard produces great results. Thanks for the great post. Looking forward to more!
Hey Josh,
Just to let you know. I am in the 5th week of Fighter and am in super fat burning mode. Down to 11% body fat and 202 lbs at 6’3″. Your program has forever changed the way i will work out. push, pull, deadlift, and squat baby!!!!!
Great question!
Instead of pullups you can do body rows using a LifelineUSA Jungle Gym attached to your front door.
Really awesome work!!!!!