It'll be available starting Monday, November 4rth at
Now, for everyone that's already purchased it – if you would do me the hugest favor IN THE WORLD and review it, it would help me so so so so much.
The 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge has been my best selling e-book for years now, and I think it's cool to be able to offer a short great program that works, for practically free.
So again, if you've done the program and you liked it, then reviewing it is the absolute best way you could ever say thank you. I would really appreciate it:
I’m in the UK and I’m unable to download the kindle book. Is there any chance you’d be able to make it available in the UK?
Hi Mark!
It just went live like minutes ago. I wasn’t even expecting it to be ready until Monday. So possibly the uk store just wasn’t set up yet.
As of right now, it’s available at Amazon’s UK Store
Hey josh, just wondering if you had any suggestions for kb weight? Do we want to stick with one the whole time?
Hi Craig!
Good question!
It totally varies. I’ve seen guys do the program with 16kg (25 pounds) if they were new to kettlebell swings, all the way up to 48kg (106 pounds) if they were kettlebell instructors who were just ridiculous monster strong.
So that’s quite a wide variance! It’s hard to say without knowing your individual fitness level, but I’d say if you’re new to kettlebells, use a 16kg. If you’ve been around kbs a little while, probably a 24kg.
You don’t need to worry at all about adjusting mid-program if you find you’re using too heavy or too light a bell, that would be the smart thing to do. Also, the program has three versions: Beginner, intermediate, and advanced, and you may find that moving around between programs is a good middle step between different kettlebell weights.
supposed to say 16kg (35 pounds)