Ok, so everyone talks about "core workouts", and almost no-one does them right. Some people do core-centric workouts forever (not effective for fat loss), and some people never do core work at all (can set you up for injury).
To everything there is a season – and if this is your season for core work, then here is an awesome circuit:
Single Leg Hip Bridge x 10L+10R
One Arm Kettlebell Swing x 10L+10R
rest x 0:30
Side Plank x 0:30L+0:30R
One Kettlebell Front Squats x 10L+10R
rest x 0:30
Single Leg Plank x 0:30L+0:30R
One Arm Kettlebell Swing x 10L+10R
rest x 0:30
Side Lying Leg Lift x 20L+20R
Single Leg Deadlift x 10L+10R
rest x 0:30
Single Leg Opposite Arm Bent Over Row x 10L+10R
Pushups x 10
You could do this circuit 3 times, and then tell me how much you like it =)
Look at core training from the standpoint of hitting four stabilizations:
1.) Anti-Flexion Stabilization: Kettlebell Swings, deadlifts
2.) Anti-Extension Stabilization: Pushups, Planks
3.) Anti-Lateral (aka side) Flexion Stabilization: Side Plank, Side Lying Leg Lifts (hip abduction)
4.) Anti-Rotation: Single Leg Bridge, Single Leg Plank, Single Leg Deadlifts, One Arm Swings, Single Kettlebell Front Squats, Suitcase Deadlifts
The easy way to think about core training is that your core should keep your body from going directions you don't want it to go. Like in a plank you don't want your core to let your hips fall down. In a swing you want your core to keep you from rounding your back forward.
Look at fat loss from the standpoint of hitting four movements:
1.) Pushing: Military Presses, Pushups
2.) Pulling: Rows, Pullups
3.) Squatting: Frontsquats, backsquats, lunges, step ups,
4.) Hip Hinge: Kettlebell Swings, Deadlifts
So you'll notice that there is some overlap – and we can do both at the same time.
For example – one of the best fat loss movements in existence is the kettlebell swing. It's already an anti-flexion core move (that means that it takes work for you have to keep your back straight) By doing a one arm swing, we can make it an anti-rotation core move also (your obliques keep you from rotating).
Focus Plus Fat Loss – The Best of Both Worlds
So now we can re-look at the circuit above, and see that it makes a lot of sense – we're combining movements that focus on core with movements that are designed for fat loss.
Some of the movements may be new to you – like the Single Leg Opposite Arm Row – that's just a bent over row with one kettlebell/dumbbell… where you are in a semi squat on one leg. Because you are on one leg, it activates your butt, and then you row with your opposite arm (example, standing on right leg, rowing a kettlebell in your left arm) which creates that super important opposite lat/glut core strength that everyone needs.
You wouldn't do this kind of workout forever – it's actually too focused. You would either do this as a specialization workout for a 4-6 week phase and then move on to another focus, or you would go from this workout back to the more strength/power version of the workout. For example – after 4-6 weeks of single-leg-opposite-arm-bent-over-rows, you'd go back to two-leg-two-arms (in other words, normal) barbell bent over rows.
Remember – what ever you are doing, you need a program that has multiple phases, and that the workouts you do should fit into that phase.
Last Two Days for Holly's Trouble Spot Solution Sale
Holly is awesome. The workouts are big movements + focuses for your butt, core, and thighs.
The way she put it together is amazing – it's a really awesome workout for *any* level. I really, really love how in depth she goes into teaching perfect form. And a lot of people tell me that they like the follow along workout videos also.
The circuit that I put together above is my version of this kind of workout (which I use all the time). I haven't written about this kind of program just because I haven't had time, but it's been one of the things in my "bag of tricks" for years. And since you haven't done a program like this before, it's an opportunity for new fat loss results.
Holly's style, in this way, is really similar to mine – she loves kettlebell swings, pushups, squats, rows, ect. She's a fat loss rockstar and coach.
If you're up for a new workout, get it:
I tired this workout ..my god .. very straining ..robably I should start with something slower .. something else for my level .