Does anyone use any of these meal planning apps? There are a gazillion of them, and I totally want to know which ones you guys like and use.
I know there are a gazillion places for meal tracking. But sometimes that's putting the cart before the horse.
So if you use any of these meal planner/grocery list automators, drop me a line and let me know. Or, if you haven't ever used a meal planning to shopping list app, try one of these out and see if it makes your life easier!
Please let me know in the comments!
Meal Board
Organizes meals and recipes, and auto-creates a shopping list.
Menu Planner
Meal planning and grocery list app that tracks what you have in your pantry and how close you are to running out.
Meal Guru
280 pre-made recipes by registered dieticians that you can combine into a plan that auto-creates a shopping list.
Sians Plan
Really cool color coded and super flexible meal planning -> grocery list app.
Food On The Table
Meal planner and shopping list creator. Will also create meals for you based on a survey, with options like "low prep" or "gluten free".
Say Mmm (for Evernote)
Lots of people use Evernote for recipe collection. The Say Mmm extension lets you turn those recipes into meal plans and shopping lists.
Hey Josh, I recently purchased system 6, I am having trouble accessing the program. Can you please help?
Of course. The log in to download can be awfully particular, and people have trouble with that sometimes. Email me at, and I’ll just email you the package.
Bueller? Bueller?
k, so I’ve seen the stats and I know most of you have read this already. So I guess the fact that I got *crickets* on this one means that none of you guys use a meal planning app?
None of my FB peeps had used any yet either… Interesting.
Josh I just emailed you!
I tried 4 different apps for Android: food on the table, pepperplate, myFood, and food planner. All of them except food planner had issues – Food on the table doesn’t let you make your own recipes, PepperPlate is buggy, and MyFood is unintuitive and buggy.
Food planner seems to work well and has a lot of good features, but none of these apps give nutrition information – I worked out my go-to meals in my food tracker and entered them as recipes in food planner. I also planned my meals for the week in the food tracker and then copied the plan into food planner to get a grocery list. I just started using this app, but I’m guessing that the grocery list feature is the only thing I’ll use it for. It’s kind of like double work to add my meal plan to my food tracker and the meal planner, but it’s not so bad if I already have recipes saved.
Update on how it’s going:
I was able to plan a couple different weeks of meal plans for myself, a couple similar ones for my husband (he has slightly different food preferences so there are some tweaks), and save them all separately (like Me 1, Me 2, Husband 1, Husband 2). The planner lets you overlay more than one plan onto each week, so I can tell it to enter Me 1 and Husband 1 for next week and get a combined plan/grocery list. It was a lot of work initially, but now I have like a month’s worth of meal plans that I can reuse. It also saves me the trouble of re-figuring out my meal plans in my food tracker. Sure I have to actually add the meals each day, but I don’t have to re-puzzle out how I want to rotate recipes every week.
So setting it up takes work, but I’m hoping it will save me time and mental energy now that I’ve done that. I’ll keep you posted.
Wow Cecile! You aren’t messing around, you tried them all! So wait, which one is Food Planner?
That sounds awesome Cecile! That does sound like a lot of work on the front end, hopefully it works out to being a lot easier going forward.
Totally keep me posted, let me know if it really does save you a lot of time on the back end!!!!!
I tried to post a reply but it looks like it didnt work. Food Planner ( looks like it should be available for iPhone as well as Android soon, if it isnt already. I didnt make a serious attempt to overcome the difficulties with the other food planners, so maybe there is gold there that I missed. If PepperPlate doesnt crash on other peoples phones, it does have the nice feature that it can pull recipes from the web, which Food Planner doesnt have. I dont know about its other features because I gave up after the 4th time it crashed. :o/
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I didn’t end up using it much. I ended up just going back to keeping staples for my go-to meals stocked.
Hi Cecile! Thanks for the update!!!!
I had the exact same experience, so that’s good to know that it wasn’t just me.