“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
Give me someone who's been working their ass off trying to lose fat and failing.
Give me that hard working fat loss failure – I can have that person totally rockstarred out in two or three months.
If they tried and failed, I know they can put in the work.
You put in the work, and I teach you what to do, you can have any body you want.
People who don't put in the work, there's no point in trying to teach them new stuff.
Don't be afraid to fail in your fat loss attempts.
Be scared to death of not trying 100%
If it doesn't work, you can always try something new.
But just create the habit of being a doer.
Hey Josh-
I’m on Week 6 of your Stubborn 7 workouts. I love it so much and I can definitely tell a difference in my body! I was just wondering… How long are the “5×5 Heavy” workouts supposed to take? My first one only took 10 mins, so I figured I was lifting too light. I increased the weight for my second one, which took about 20 mins.
Also, I’ve been eating pretty well, although I know I could clean it up a bit more, I just don’t have the time or patience to cook a lot. I count calories (1300-1500 per day) and get enough protein, but many of the convenient healthy foods have a lot of sodium (lunchmeat; pre-cooked chicken; canned tuna). Do you think this is slowing down my fat loss, or should I not worry about anything but calories and protein?
Thanks for being so inspiring! I love your posts!
Small article. Big message. I get it. Thanks.
Great message Josh. That ingredient is the thing that people miss the most.