Body for Life is an interesting phenomenon.
Trainers hate it. Why? Because the workout programs are mediocre. Sure they aren't the worst ever, but there are many smart trainers that could improve upon the workouts significantly.
But… People keep getting results. Amazing results. Using Body For Life's mediocre workouts. Why?
The reason is that Body For Life inspires people. It stirs something in them that causes them to do the workouts with intensity and vigor. It causes people to follow the program 100%. People follow the eating program 100% and the workout program 100%.
And that's the thing. Most people have half-assed every workout program they have ever done. And then they get somewhere near to zero results.
Body For Life is proof – You'll get better results going all out on a mediocre workout program than you will half assing a good one.
Now if you go all out on a great workout program – the results are nothing short of magical.
By Josh Hillis
Author of How To Lose The Stubborn Seven Pounds: Take Your Body from Good to Rockstar.
National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) and Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM-PES)
Russian Kettlebell Challenge Certified Instructor (RKC) and Combat Applications Specialist (RKC/CAS)
Hey Josh
I’m sure there are many different workout plans out there, and like you said, whatever works, works! I just started to workout with Lynn, a BFL Champion from Year #1, and he puts me through a pretty hard workout. We are modifying the cardio to longer periods, more frequesntly, but like he said, EATING right is the #1 factor.
Anyways, best wishes.
Hi Josh,
I first came across BFL a couple years ago, and decided to follow it to-the-letter before recommending or using aspects of it with any of my clients. This meant adhering to 12-week workout schedules, incorporating 2-3 protein shakes per day, and keeping a close on the meals in-between as well.
Now, I have to say that I really didn’t have much fat to lose when I started out – I was more interested in building some good solid muscle and eradicating any remaining layers of flab.
So, what happened?
Well, my body certainly did pack on muscle and my muscles definitely became more prominent. BUT one thing I recognise now is that I must have been sacrificing muscle tissue in the morning by working out on an empty stomach.
I’m at the point now where I recognise the need to really focus on your aim – be it fat loss or muscle building – and work on these one at a time.
Sure, for fat loss BFL works great – for building muscle and to gain weight, there are better programs around.
working out on a empty stomage is never good. I could tell you that!
Great post.
It’s absolutely true that the number one way to get in shape is to be supremely driven towards your goal. The program is secondary.
However, if you can combine the two together (a good program and motivation) that’s when you get the astounding results.
Train Hard,
Tony Schwartz