I used to be a master trainer at the busiest gym in denver.
What was really fun about that was that no matter what I had planned for my clients, we almost never had access to the workout equipment we needed. And it never mattered.
The principles were always the same.
Here is how you can use the same principles with multiple different movements to get the most effective workout possible with what ever you have access to.
Essentially, this is how to get the perfect workout • no • matter • what.
First, we're going to break down the principles you need to know for each movement.
Second, we're going to go over different tools and different options with each tool, for each movement.
This post is a lot meatier than my normal posts – all info, so let me know what you think of that. Do you like all info? Or do you want more celebrity/fun/talking smack?
Principles for pushing movements
- Shoulders back and down (usually. but sometimes forward and down)
- Push from elbows
- Brace abs
- Wedge yourself between the weight and the ground (presses)
- Push the world away (pushups)
- Neutral spine
Principles for Pulling Movements
- Shoulders back and down
- Pull from elbows
- Flex butt
- Neutral or slightly arched back
Princples for Squats and Deadlifts
- Flat feet, weight towards the heel or 2/3 back
- Flex butt hard, drive from butt to protect back
- Drive hips forward and feet down
- Wedge yourself under the weight
- Hips and knees start and stop at the same time (squats, lunges, step ups)
- Neutral or arched back
Principles for Ab Exercises
- Think static core resisting movement, not moving core (mostly)
- Slightly rounded forward back (plank, ab wheel, hanging leg raises)
- Brace abs and resist back extension (plank)
- Resist lateral flexion (side plank)
- Resist rotation (single leg plank, single leg bridge, one arm swings, one arm rows, one arm presses)
Pushing Movement Options
- Bodyweight: Pushups, Spiderman Pushups, Windmill Pushups, One Arm Pushups
- Dumbbell: Bench Press, Military Press
- Kettlebell: Push Jerk, Push Press, Military Press, Kneeling Press
- Cable: Standing Chest Press, Standing One Arm Chest Press
- Barbell: Bench Press, Military Press
Pulling Movement Options
- Bodyweight: Body Rows (Smith Machine), Body Rows (TRX), Chinups, Pullups
- Dumbbell: One Arm Bent Over Rows, Renegade Rows
- Kettlebell: One Arm Bent Over Rows
- Cable: Standing One Arm Rows
- Barbell: Bent Over Rows
Squating Movement Options
- Bodyweight: Lunges, Walking Lunges, Step Ups, Split Squats, Airborne Lunges, Bench Pistiols, Pistols
- Dumbbell: Goblet Squat, Front Squat
- Kettlebell: Goblet Squat, Front Squat
- Cable: Front Squat
- Barbell: Front Squat, Back Squat
Hip Hinge Movement Options
- Bodyweight: Single Leg Hip Bridge, High Rep No Weight Single Leg Deadlifts, High Rep No Weight Single Leg Deadlift With Rotational Reach
- Dumbbell: Pyramid Deadlift, Romanian Deadlift, Suitcase Deadlift, Single Leg Deadlift
- Kettlebell: Pyramid Deadlift, Romanian Deadlift, Suitcase Deadlift, Single Leg Deadlift
- Cable: Romanian Deadlift, Suitcase Deadlift, Single Leg Deadlift
- Barbell: Romanian Deadlift, Deadlift
The principles and the movements of course are not exhaustive lists, but mostly to get you thinking. You've got more options than you think, you've got more choices for exercise substitution than you think, and sometimes even with the same tool, you may find one variation suits you better than another.
You can always get an awesome fat loss workout, no matter what you have access to. And you can always find a variation of the movement that fits your body.
Author of System Six: Easy Fat Loss
and The 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge
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