We’ve seen other actors make dramatic transformations for roles, Christian Bale for the machinist comes to mind, but Bradleys transformation here is particularly impressive.
We know from previous movies that he’s a huge fan of supersetting exercises, doing both circuit training and strength training sessions each week, and we know that the diet has always been a huge factor.
Should You Eat Paleo?
I’ve gotten two dozen emails this week with this same question: If I want to look like a space-raccoon, do I need to eat Paleo?
Oddly, no details about Bradley’s Guardians of the Galaxy Diet have emerged. So while Paleo might be an option, I think it’s smart to go to the source:
It looks like raccoons eat their own sort of “Zone Diet”:
- 40% invertebrates
- 33% plant foods
- 27% vertebrates
It appears that Raccoons are both Paleo and Gluten Free, but they take it a step further — I’m willing to guess most of my readers aren’t getting anywhere near that ratio of invertebrates to vertebrates.
But I’d caution you not to get entirely wrapped up in thinking vertebrate/invertabrate ratios are the magic key to fat loss – you have to always remember that quantity plays a big factor. It’s a safe bet that Bradley Cooper ate significantly less this time around than for his previous action movies.
Again — you definitely, definitely want to keep a food journal, where you can track both ratios and quantity. The most important thing is to strategize every week:
- If you didn’t get enough invertebrates, you may need to schedule in foraging time
- You’re four feet too tall to be a raccoon? Definitely check your food journal to make sure you’re getting enough invertebrates
- Other neighborhood raccoons won’t talk to you? Definitely share your invertebrates.
I’m confident that with the proper planning, tracking, and re-planning, you can get the body you want.
Let Bradley’s dramatic body transformation inspire you. But don’t get caught up in trying to compare yourself to him — everyone has different genetics and different metabolisms, and your results may be slower or faster than his.
*Also, they usually do a fair amount of photoshop on the movie posters. Which is why you should also always take a look at more candid shots:
by Josh Hillis
Author of the upcoming Fat Loss Happens on Monday, with Dan John
Head Coach at PowerHour Group Personal Training in Denver.
That’s not how he did it. They made him use like 3 different computers and programs like photoshop and corel draw to make him look like a raccoon while they video taped it. He had to squat down really small then they used the warp tool and pasted images of real raccoons in a space suit over each frame.