Not your average workout: Tire flipping, jumping, sprints with a jumpstretch band, runs with kettlebells, turkish get ups with kettlebells, medicine ball throwing, kipping pullups, bear crawls, tuck sits on gymnastics rings, barbell thrusters. Real, oldschool, brutal – full body movements.
You’ll notice they aren’t doing any curls or tricep extensions, no machines, no pussy bodybuilding “watch yourself in the mirror exercises” crap. It takes real world strength to flip tires and do pullups and squats and sprints. Essentially, the actors were training for performance – and the look came with it.
The average celebrity trainer would have trained the actors to look like Spartan Warriors – Mark Twight put the actors in 300 through workouts that would create the kind of strength and power they would need to be Spartan Warriors.
If you’re not up on Mark Twight’s gym, Gym Jones, you should check it out. It’s a trip. Mark is a world class extreme alpinist. He climbs mountains that no one else in the world has ever climbed before. Ok, I’ll do my best to sum up Mark’s workout philisophy, as I understand it: Mark believes that there is something that happens on a mountain – when you are totally exhausted and when your life is on the line – that strips away all of the pretense of our modern existance and all that is left is your humanity. That only through pushing yourself to the absolute limit do you truly find out who you are. He strives to create workouts that have that same kind of impact. Hence the Gym Jones tagline: “Power, Speed, Endurance, Suffering and Salvation”.
The now legendary “300 Reps Workout”, a.k.a. “Spartans, tonight we dine in hell!”
25 pullups, 50 deadlifts with 135 pounds, 50 pushups, 50 jumps on a 24-inch box, 50 floor wipers, 50 single-arm clean-and-presses using a 36-pound kettlebell, and 25 more pullups.
A common misconception is that they did this workout over and over again. Mark Twight isn’t in to repeating workouts often with his athletes. In fact, most of the workouts were probably randomzied. They very rarely, if ever, would they do the same workout twice.
The idea is to do this workout for time – and if you did ever go through the hell of repeating a workout, to try and beat your time from before. Like a race. Speed, power and intensity are the keys here. Ideally you’d complete the circuits in around 20 minutes.
“The 300 Reps Workout” should give you a little bit of a flavor of the workouts the actors from 300 did at Gym Jones.
“You know that every bead of sweat falling off your head, every weight you’ve pumped — the history of that is all in your eyes,” says Gerard Butler, who played King Leonidas. “That was a great thing, to put on that cape and put on that helmet, and not have to think, Shit, I should have trained more. Instead, I was standing there feeling like a lion.”
How To Get Started Training Like One of the 300
Ok, so lets say you want that “spartan warrior” kind of strength – If you are new to full body lifts, you may be wondering where to start. Kettlebells? Bodyweight? Sandbags? Tires? Gymnastics rings? Hey I’d grab on to any one of them that you can get good instruction on.
Without a doubt, the best way (if you’ve got the nuts) would be to go to Gym Jones and stand on the porch – just like Fight Club.
If you’re too far from Salt Lake to train at Gym Jones, then here is where to start: Start off with 50 or 100 reps of the 300 workout. Done at speed, 100 reps is easily enough to crush the average gym goer – so take it easy the first time. You can push the pace and increase the reps after a couple months. And I wouldn’t do this exact workout more than once a week. My preference would be to do it even less often than that – to use it as a test once a month.
You’re probably pretty familiar with pullups, box jumps, and pushups – so lets get you some solid instruction on the hardcore full body lifts you may not be good at – the kettlebell clean and press and the deadlift. Both exercises that you need to learn how to do correctly.
If you aren’t familiar with solid full body lifting, you have a few choices: 1.) Fly out to Gym Jones. 2.) Get some personal coaching from a Powerlifter, Olympic Weightlifter, Strongman, or Highland Games Athlete, 3.) Get some solid instructional material. You absolulely need to learn to do full body lifting if you want to take on workouts like “300”.
Enter the kettlebell is literally an entire book on the kettlebell clean and press.
– In The New Rules of Lifting by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove, they talk about that the only study that Lou has ever seen where athletes lost fat and gained muscle at the same time the athletes used only snatches and clean and jerks and their variations. Enter the Kettlebell teaches the kettlebell clean, press and snatch – essential full body lifts.
Power to the People is literally the best video there is on deadlifting:
-deadlifts are absolutely essential to the 300 reps workout. Deadlifts are one of the best exercises there is if you want that Spartan Warrior look – and if you want to really be as strong as you look. Deadlift correctly = get the body. Deadlift incorrectly = jack your back up in a bad way. You need to learn how to do it right.
Check out: The 300 Workout: Part 2
By Josh Hillis, RKC Level 2 kettlebell Instructor
P.S. One of the best fat loss workouts I’ve ever written is called Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss, and is now available in Kindle format for under $3
I’m a specialist in getting my clients lean, fast. My book is about how anyone can get that that lean, rockstar body.
© Joshua Hillis 2007
i have a question? how’s the diet?
About the diet, to quote Mark Twight:
“The first misconception is that we used a bodybuilding-type program of progressive overload and over-feeding with the goal of making the guys look huge. We took the opposite route of calorie restriction to make them look like they lived off the land, in the wild, all sinewy and ripped. The diet was adequate to fuel effort and recovery, barely.”
thanks for replying sir mark twight. so what should i do?
it looks like the actors that trained with Mark Twight for “The 300” trained using a Crossfit training modality.
definitely crossfit. think that 300 workout is tough? try the filthy fifty.
Amen to Crossfit. I second the Filty Fifty, Fight Gone Bad etc.
Crossfit is definatly the train to get on
I can’t wait to get so hawt!
How many times a week did they do these workouts? no questions asked Spartan Warriors of the 21st century
pussy bodybuilding? lmao… i can vouch for bodybuilders, because I am one, and I’d have preferred to see more “Arnold” physiques 🙂 Seems as though it would fit better. Still a great movie nonetheless.
Wow, the main guys look a lot smaller in the workouts than they do in the movie, I guess makeup and post-production can do wonders.
Great info here, but fitness should not be something based on the latest movie fad. Just put the burger down and do some push ups.
Hey, even if it was inspired by a movie fad, surely any increase in the number of people exercising is a good thing. If a hit movie is what it takes for more people to get down the gym, then let’s go out and make another one.
Very cool video. It look harder then i thought.
How long did the actors go through this trainig? Did the actors use any supplements to help them get bigger, like protein, creatine etc…?
300 was a very very good movie, and the fact that they really did train very hard to BE the spartan warrior is awesome.
i don’t think that having the “arnold” effect would be a very good idea. the way they looked more slim, and not so bulky and huge, is more.. realistic ^^
very sexyyyy~~~
i have a question…which jumpstretch band are they using on the video? and how did they rig it up so it is on the wall?
i always thought about getting one…one that i can attack to my SUV…but i dont know which one to get…
The jumpstretch bands are color coded for the amount of resistance they are.
You can make a harness by wrapping two of them together. After the harness, you could use two or three more to connect the harness to the pole.
In terms of connecting them together or connecting them to the pole – you just loop it through itself like you were making a chain of rubber bands in elementery school, and you connect it to the pole the same way – just like a surfboard leash.
To get startet, just visit and jump right in or check out your local crossfit affiliate.
Looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger would have ruined the movie! The appearance of the actors in this movie is perfectly representative of extremely fit warriors who have been fighting and are always ready to do battle. A bodybuilder is good for posing in the mirror… a narcissist, not a warrior.
I am wanting to start out on this program. Does anyone have some good initial advice? My fitness base is that I rockclimbed for about 5 years, so I have a pretty good but limited understanding of this type of fitness. If anyone would be so kind as to share nutrition advice, and fitness advice, please share!
Start with the basics – learn to deadlift and squat. Do pullups and standing shoulder presses. Learn kettlebell movements like snatches, swings and cleans.
Treat your workouts like “practice” until you are very familiar with the movements, then ease into higher intensity circuits.
I started today with a short sprint (about 100 yards) to a nearby park wearing a 20 lb weight vest. As soon as I got there i started with ten pull-ups and ten push-ups. By then I was totally wasted! I tried to do some hand over hand rope climbs (thats the best way I can describe it.) and some plyometric jumps onto a pic-nic table bench.
I will probably start with one day in the gym to practice these movements. Am I off to a good start or do I need to focus my energy in a different direction? Thanks again!!
I have a question about the eating habits of the spartans as well. I’m doing as many of the 300 reps as i can everyday(17 years old, did basketball+football). Right now I’m eating complex carbs(fruit, beans) an hour before working out, a protein shake while working out, and 2 eggs right after im done. Would this be considered overloading it? I do not want the Arnold look, I want the wiry, sinewy look so any help appreciated. Thank you
the HBO “making of” (30 min) shows them doing bicep curls with dumbbells in between takes….
The “Arnold Look” is harder to get than you think. You’re not going to accidentally get that big, as a lot of it is due to genetics and supplementation.
People think that getting “big” like Arnold can magically happen in about 3-4 years. I say that you all are dumb for thinking such a thing. The easiest physique one can possibly achieve is the Brad Pitt Fight Club physique, just do chest, abs and some arms. Did i read some where the bodybuilding is for pussys? Why dont you say that to Ronnie Colemans face and ask him how much he Squats and how many Pull-Ups he does. I love the assumption that body builders dont do any of what was mention, in fact we do A LOT of it. Also, probably about 90% of the actors that went through this intensive training messed up their bodies because of the rapid growth that occured. Good Job looking good, but bad job on messing up your body at the same time. Go do some more research on body building before you make an assumption that all it is is bicep curls and bench presses.
PS. Good movie
Yo, I changed my workout and it more reps and cardio with more focus on legs and it the hardest shit ive ever done. before that i was doing heavy weights and while it wasnt easy, this new workout is much harder.
–filthy skumbag
Wow,I loved that movie,SEXY AND HOT (:p)…. however thoses work outs seem a little bit impossible for a girl to do.
What can a girl do to get pumped like that?
I would really like to get in that shape!!!
The people at UNICUS Fitness ( have been putting together workouts like “300” for years and putting them into systems designed for specific results. Check out their Beach Body Emergency and Wedding Boot Camp if you are a woman who wants to kick ass and take names or Ultimate GUTS and RIPT for Men workouts if you are a guy and want to find something that will put you on par with the “300” movie actors. This is the best kept secret in the fitness industry for years. But more and more people are finding it out.
Okay, this is another place that has this listed as what they did everyday. Perhaps what they actaully did was close to this, but the “300” rep “workout” was a contest between members of the cast that they did ONE TIME!!! this is incredibly unhealthy to do everyday, especially with the amount they ate. DO NOT TRY AT HOME.
In these kinds of workouts form equals function. Spartans certainly did not look like arnold. Bodybuilding is great for what it is but it is by no means a “fighting physique”. Coleman can move some impressive weights but these guys do not perfom well in austere conditions, marching long distance, carrying weapons and armor over those distances and then having to fight. That is on top of having subpar food available, sorry no creatine available.
so the acote sin the film didn’t have any visual of computer effects on thier bodies? this was real muscle. because it looks like they have been doing thier workout for many months to get to thier size. is that thier real bodies?
so the actors in the film didn’t have any visual of computer effects on their bodies? this was real muscle. because it looks like they have been doing their workout for many months to get to their size. is that their real bodies?**
The actors only did the famous “300” workout one time, If they did it at all. It was a kind of right of passage they were only allowed to try when deemed fit. Only like 50% ever finished it. Their workouts actually changed everyday. check out this link its written by the guy who invented the workout and trained the actors.
The actors only did the famous “300” workout one time, If they did it at all. It was a kind of right of passage they were only allowed to try when deemed fit. Only like 50% ever finished it. Their workouts actually changed everyday. check out this link its written by the guy who invented the workout and trained the actors.
hi. i was wondering from the moment on that i saw the “awsom”, 300 hundred movie trailer if the actors and stunt men in it were actually the size they looked or if it was all cg. from the training video i could tell, evidently they are. My question is were they built well before the started the 300 training program? as well as, how often did they do this 300 rep program a week?
I would like to actually go threw your work there at your gym. The Army is not about to give me the time to do it especially with a deployment around the corner. What I am writing for is a work out to get into better shape for the 2007 deployment to Iraq.
Gym Jones ripped off Crossfit
check out, the original… all the free info you need
One thing to clarify –
by “pussy bodybuilding movements” I meant like cybex machine curls. In other words, I meant the way average dudes in commercial gyms “bodybuild”, or more accurately, do what they think is bodybuilding.
So in other words, that would be the opposite of Ronnie Coleman squatting or deadlifting 800lbs. Everyone has to respect that.
Ronnie Coleman is just more proof that you’ll get better body composition results if you base your workouts around big, full body movements likes squats and deadlifts.
ArnoldLook why dnt YOU do some research? By the way u talk ur definitely no bodybuilder. COLEMAN?? how can u bring ronnie coleman into this?thats totally ridiculous.. he can move impressive weights true.. but genetics and supplements?anyone that knows a little about bodybuilding know 100% of the pros use steroids.. so stop that sh*t talk as if ronnie was some gr8 hero. yeah he can move the biggest loads of weight for a few 8-rep sets with a 1-minute rest in between each of them, but put an armor on him and make him run on a battlefield- u wouldnt even need to give him an enemy to defeat him, he would fall dead in a few minutes. these guys have no endurance or physical stamina, its just explosive strenght- they aint athletes. they just pump n pose. n i would say that to ronnie on his face.. what do u think just coz hes the biggest bodybuilder hes gonna kill me?im a boxer u know.get informed, bodybuilders are horrible fighters. if not they would be the top fighters wouldnt they? why not? coz no flexibility, no endurance, no technique, just explosive strength my friend. if ronnies ur idol i dont see a very bright future for you
There has been a few folks call or come by CrossFit Atlanta who have somehow discovered a connection between CrossFit and the training of the 300 cast by Mark Twight of Gym Jones in Salt Lake City, Utah. Like everyone exposed to it, Mark Twight has put his own special spin on CrossFit, but the main ideas and the essence of his current training method remain CrossFit.
Mark Twight is an extremely accomplished endurance alpinist, and author of several books on training for mountaineering events. He was an advocate of long, slow endurance training and high carb, low fat diets until he discovered CrossFit, attended a few CrossFit seminars, and become (temporarily) a CrossFit affiliate. CrossFit turned his world upside down, and he became an advocate of short duration, higher intensity workouts, and low carb, higher fat diets.
Here’s what Twight has said about CrossFit in issue 19 of the CrossFit Journal, “What Is CrossFit?” (Free Download)
“You can talk all you want about being in good shape until you do a few CrossFit workouts. And then you
will realize — like I did — that what you have been doing is likely training strong points, rarely working on weak points, and training efficiency to such a degree that the workouts you do are less effective than they might be if you mixed energy modes, duration, and types of work.
You probably know something about climbing-specific training because of books like Ex Alp, Clyde’s book, Dale’s book, and maybe Will’s. But none of this will prepare you for what is to come if you make even the slightest effort to follow CrossFit. Coach invited me to CrossFit HQ for an instructor seminar. I was the weakest guy in attendance, by at least 50% during every workout we did over the three days. Those days changed my life. I could “what if?” my old training program and all the years I missed when I thought I was fit but I was nowhere near my potential but the key is to move on when you know that something better is out there, without second-guessing. I don’t believe I will find anything better than CrossFit for developing power, endurance, lactate tolerance, stamina (local area endurance), balanced muscle groups, efficient neurological pathways (in the context of movement), etc. The bottom line: I started toying with the CF protocol last April without truly understanding it. I improved in some diverse areas of fitness but had not seen the light or my own potential yet. I went to CFHQ 1 December. Since then I have lost 12lbs, leaned out, and I am approximately 25% stronger across the board without significant negative effect on endurance despite the short duration of our workouts (nothing longer than 25 minutes, with the norm being half that or less).”
Here’s what Twight has said about CrossFit on his own website:
“In December of 2003 I attended an Instructor Certification course at CrossFit headquarters to learn more about what I had been dabbling with during the previous six months. I went there fit, secretly confident but I was destroyed by each and every fitness challenge presented. Humbled, ego thought we should have a “soloing on loose rock” contest but pragmatism held sway and I poured ego from my cup, which meant it could be filled with the knowledge and experience that hid in every nook and cranny of that small gym in Santa Cruz.”
For some reason it seems that a few folks here think the guys in 300 are huge. Ummm… watch it again! They are huge, they are just destroyed cut up! Some of their chests look huge because their abs and waist are so slim. Their abs bulge because of their full body workouts. Power cleans or full body presses… whatever you want to call them, will make your abs bulge overtime because you use your abs to steady they weight you are throwing up.
Also, who needs to do curls when you are flipping tractor tires! haha
Note, these guys didn’t get this athletically trimmed in a couple months. 6 months minimum with diet.
Think about the way your body moves and the muscles used just in simple body movements. Add some weight and overtime, you’ll be runnin around in a cloth diaper and cape with a sled on your arm and a 10 foot pole being the spectacle of the neighborhood in no time! At least that is my plan!
sounds like a good workout to me. someone posted abt the actors doing curls with dumbells in between takes and i think that was probably to make them look like they were just fighting (veins popping out etc.)
Josh, I’m 15 years old and I already know that you’ve dug a hole that you can’t get out of. You seem to have ripped off the crossfit methodalogy. This is a sad fact knowing that Coach is such a giving person he flat out says do what ever you want add in what you like. To take a advantage of someone to this extent shows immaturity and a low sense of moral, where is your honor, respect and most of all do you have any sense of dignity. I’m deeply disturbed by your inflamatory remaks about coach and Crossfit.GROW UP
Ripped bull, you are a complete idiot if you think steroids are the only reason ronnie coleman or any other professional bodybuilder for that matter looks the way they do. You need to look deeper into bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is a lifestyle for those guys. They eat, sleep and lift. Most of them are in the gym twice a day both off-season and pre-contest. Go buy one of ronnie colemans dvds “cost of redemption or jay cutlers “new, improved and beyond” so you can see how these guys live. Dont get me wrong the training that was incorperated into the 300 workout is difficult but you cant compare doing “box jumps” to “Hack Squats till failure” they are simply impossible to compare. So next time you decide to bad mouth a body builder shut your face and go try to leg press 50 – 45 pound plates.
this is some pussy ass work bruv, i do the 650 work out and im only thirteen
low it
body builders are fucking gay
on a related note, there’s a men’s health article about the 300 workout, too:
In the video I noticed the guys using their knees to gain momentum on the pull ups. Did everyone do this and is this acceptable?
All of the main actors in 300 do do bodybuilding training. They didn’t simply do this 300 workout and get ripped like that.
Everyone of them will have trained for years to get in to the physical shape they where. More over, they will have all at least dabbled in steroids at some point. In fact, it is blatantly obvious that the main actor has as he has the beginnings of Bitch Tit as had many others. No amount of training, bodybuilding or otherwise, would allow you to develop a physique anywhere near as good as these guys without gear. Go to your local gym and see how many people come close. I bet you’ll find that their is maybe one or 2 guys who have as developed bodies as them, and even these guys will be on gear too. Bodybuilders are not mear posers like many people claim. Most are far fitter than your average joe. Do you seriously believe that all the exercising does not have any cardiac benefit at all?? Get real!
The crossfit workouts are good for a blast and will keep you in shape, but they will do nothing for your muscular composition. If you are already huge, they will help you lean out and get ripped, but if your not huge, they will leave you looking skinny and with sinewy gangly limbs like long distance runners.
If you want to look like the guys in the film, the reality is you will need to put in years in the gym, tan the protein like theirs no tomorrow, and when you’ve trained your ass to the point where your only getting stronger and not bigger, then you need to tan the juice. Start with Test, then move on up to big cycles of Test, Winstrol, Trenbolone and dbol. That is the ONLY way you will come remotely close to looking anything like these guys. The reason – because these guys did exactly that! Anyone who believes otherwise is either naive, ignorant or plain dumb!
Slate me all you want, but as the founder and chairman of a fairly well known European Sports Nutrition company, writer of several published articles, bodybuilder/athlete and previously a fitness instructor for 9 years, I know exactly what i’m talking about.
The owner of this forum knows absolutely nothing about physique developement going on the statements and judgements he has made, neither do any of the guys who have made ridiculous comments about bodybuilders and what they are or are not.
you crossfit folks need to chill. twight did his own thing with the guys for 300. did it dabble in crossfit, sure. is it crossfit? no. does it matter? not one bit. did it dishonor crossfit? absoutely not. you crossfit folks are a sad bunch of brainwashed fitness nuts. twight was a rockstar long before you knew what high intensity interval training was. go back to your leader and stop crying.
as to the idiots (andy) who think it takes years to look like the men of 300, you are dead wrong. Sure they weren’t fat but the transformation happened fast. 8 weeks of high intensity twight torture and a strict diet. no steroids. no digital effects. they were wearing makeup on their abs and the overall tones of the movie added contrast. otherwise, that’s them au natural. i saw before and after pictures when i visited the set. it’s not magic, it’s frickin hard work. anyone can do the 300 workout given time and a whole lot of effort. be careful if you’re a newbie to high intensity exercise. scale the weight and reps. check your ego at the door.
kipping pullups are legit. debate over.
the actors did do curls and other simple things on set to stay pumped. it was not part of their training.
ok, that’s it for now.
thanks josh.
you crossfit folks need to chill. twight did his own thing with the guys for 300. did it dabble in crossfit, sure. is it crossfit? no. does it matter? not one bit. did it dishonor crossfit? absoutely not. you crossfit folks are a sad bunch of brainwashed fitness nuts. twight was a rockstar long before you knew what high intensity interval training was. go back to your leader and stop crying.
as to the idiots (andy) who think it takes years to look like the men of 300, you are dead wrong. Sure they weren’t fat but the transformation happened fast. 8 weeks of high intensity twight torture and a strict diet. no steroids. no digital effects. they were wearing makeup on their abs and the overall tones of the movie added contrast. otherwise, that’s them au natural. i saw before and after pictures when i visited the set. it’s not magic, it’s frickin hard work. anyone can do the 300 workout given time and a whole lot of effort. be careful if you’re a newbie to high intensity exercise. scale the weight and reps. check your ego at the door.
kipping pullups are legit. debate over.
the actors did do curls and other simple things on set to stay pumped. it was not part of their training.
ok, that’s it for now.
thanks josh.
you crossfit folks need to chill. twight did his own thing with the guys for 300. did it dabble in crossfit, sure. is it crossfit? no. does it matter? not one bit. did it dishonor crossfit? absoutely not. you crossfit folks are a sad bunch of brainwashed fitness nuts. twight was a rockstar long before you knew what high intensity interval training was. go back to your leader and stop crying.
as to the idiots (andy) who think it takes years to look like the men of 300, you are dead wrong. Sure they weren’t fat but the transformation happened fast. 8 weeks of high intensity twight torture and a strict diet. no steroids. no digital effects. they were wearing makeup on their abs and the overall tones of the movie added contrast. otherwise, that’s them au natural. i saw before and after pictures when i visited the set. it’s not magic, it’s frickin hard work. anyone can do the 300 workout given time and a whole lot of effort. be careful if you’re a newbie to high intensity exercise. scale the weight and reps. check your ego at the door.
kipping pullups are legit. debate over.
the actors did do curls and other simple things on set to stay pumped. it was not part of their training.
ok, that’s it for now.
thanks josh.
you crossfit folks need to chill. twight did his own thing with the guys for 300. did it dabble in crossfit, sure. is it crossfit? no. does it matter? not one bit. did it dishonor crossfit? absoutely not. you crossfit folks are a sad bunch of brainwashed fitness nuts. twight was a rockstar long before you knew what high intensity interval training was. go back to your leader and stop crying.
as to the idiots (andy) who think it takes years to look like the men of 300, you are dead wrong. Sure they weren’t fat but the transformation happened fast. 8 weeks of high intensity twight torture and a strict diet. no steroids. no digital effects. they were wearing makeup on their abs and the overall tones of the movie added contrast. otherwise, that’s them au natural. i saw before and after pictures when i visited the set. it’s not magic, it’s frickin hard work. anyone can do the 300 workout given time and a whole lot of effort. be careful if you’re a newbie to high intensity exercise. scale the weight and reps. check your ego at the door.
kipping pullups are legit. debate over.
the actors did do curls and other simple things on set to stay pumped. it was not part of their training.
ok, that’s it for now.
thanks josh.
you crossfit folks need to chill. twight did his own thing with the guys for 300. did it dabble in crossfit, sure. is it crossfit? no. does it matter? not one bit. did it dishonor crossfit? absoutely not. you crossfit folks are a sad bunch of brainwashed fitness nuts. twight was a rockstar long before you knew what high intensity interval training was. go back to your leader and stop crying.
as to the idiots (andy) who think it takes years to look like the men of 300, you are dead wrong. Sure they weren’t fat but the transformation happened fast. 8 weeks of high intensity twight torture and a strict diet. no steroids. no digital effects. they were wearing makeup on their abs and the overall tones of the movie added contrast. otherwise, that’s them au natural. i saw before and after pictures when i visited the set. it’s not magic, it’s frickin hard work. anyone can do the 300 workout given time and a whole lot of effort. be careful if you’re a newbie to high intensity exercise. scale the weight and reps. check your ego at the door.
kipping pullups are legit. debate over.
the actors did do curls and other simple things on set to stay pumped. it was not part of their training.
ok, that’s it for now.
thanks josh.
Firstly, I would like to second Will’s comments…. Anyone who thinks that these guys went from “normal” to what they were in the film in anything less than years is very naive, probably through no real fault of there own… Furthermore the vast majority if not all of them will have taken steroids…. There are very few people in the world that look that good without steroids and those that do dedicate their life to it… As Will says the steroid usage can be seen via the early stages of gyno (bitch tits) in some of the actors. You could do the 300 work out fairly quickly easily in six months but the idea that they could build that kind of muscle and cut to their level of Bf% in six months without steroids is ridiculous. Even with steroids they would have had to have been in excellent shape before. Oh and to the guys slating bodybuilding; most bodybuilders wouldn’t slate your sport(s) if you do any so don’t slate their… It’s just ignorance…
Josh, to call me an idiot because i claim (rightly) that it takes years to look like that clearly indicates your own idiocy. 8 weeks!!! Jesus, these guys will have without a doubt being pumping iron and roids for years – thats years not weeks, to get into the shape they are in in the movie. You know absolutlely nothing about physique developement, that is absolutely clear!
Nobody and I repeat, nobody, could develop that kind of physique in 8 weeks of any kind of training! If it was that easy, we would all be walking around like hulking beasts of solid muscle. I can’t believe you could even begin to think for a second that they all got into such amazing shape in just 8 weeks! You are so very very deluded.
I normally stay away from these kinds of forums and postings, but this post is ludicrous and gives people false hope.
Many of you will know from your own experiences (and common sense) that 8 weeks of training will not transform you from a normal guy into the actors in 300. Nor will 2 or 3 years without roids.
Sorry, but thats just the way it is.
The actors in 300 went into their training to get into shape true, but they will all have already been massively muscular and well developed. The fact is that they may have been carrying some fat on top of the muscle as most people (even pro bodybuilders in the off season) do and so in training specifically for shape and defination saw a transformation from smooth to ripped (as the guy in the video even stated). However, this does not mean any normal guy can do the same. The actors in 300 are not normal guys, they all will have trained and juiced for years before this and have already been massively well developed. The training they did simply helped them cut up and shed the subcutaneous fat on their bodies leaving them cut.
Holy crap all you guys who are saying it takes years to get to look that good are actually plain up retarded. I know two guys who were very skinny and started up weights with protein powder for 8 WEEKS and compared themselves at the end. And I can honestly say both of them would almost be defined and big enough to be an actor on 300. And no they weren’t ripped before.
They both chose a program of weights every two days and stuck to it, as well as eating right.
Jesus I’ve seen plenty of people grow very big in short amounts of time and then spend time trimming off the fat around their muscles. Just because some people can’t get big shortly doesn’t mean others can’t.
And also I bet you any day a professional fighter could lay a smackdown on Ronnie Coleman because they train to fight, and most of them are quite big as a side effect. Just like spartans, they trained to fight, looked big because of it, and would most definetely take a fat dump on Ronnie Coleman’s head in a fight. All you “experts” who know what you’re talking about because you’ve released a few articles need to go back to school and learn the real deal
Will, you silly little dude, ‘you cannot get like that without gear’? wtf?
Go back 30 years and think of Baruce Lee.
He was 10x more ripped through suffering and endurance that he put himself through 5 years running before his untimely death.
Work hard Lift hard Run hard Sweat hard, you’ll get there.
PS i am not commenting without personal experience i lift 3 times a week circuit train twice a week and am a pratitioner of JKD.
When did I ever say anything inflammatory about Coach? I’ve always said that he’s a really sharp guy – when he’s talking about FITNESS (in the manner that fitness is defined by CF). It’s unfortunate that he took a joke I made (that was actually giving him props) the wrong way, and then said a bunch of angry things about me, followed by outright lies about me.
Oh look, Coach is mad at someone new again this week! *yawn*
How did I rip off CrossFit? I wrote an article about the 300 workout. That’s all. I never said 300 was my workout. It’s Mark Twight’s workout. I read the Men’s Health article about the 300 workout, and thought that I could write a more informative article about the 300 workout than Men’s Health. That’s all.
I wrote an article about the 300 workout, because I’m familiar with this kind of workout and thought I could write an interesting article. Lots of other people liked my article also. Big ups to Mark Twight for exposing the masses to this kind of workout.
My clients could care less about who has the bestest super-est fitness system in the world. My clients just want to look really, really hot. We use EDT with big compount movements alternating with phases of BB, P2P, Afterburn, and NASM-OPT. And they end up looking really, really hot. People come to me for a drastic body composition change, and that’s what I do with them. We get ’em rockstar lean for their weddings and for summetime and their vacations, whatever they want to look awesome for.
I understand why you are so stoked about CF. Your family has built a good business and helped a lot of people with the CF system and also the KM system. I think that’s really awesome for you guys and all of the members of your gym. You’re doing a good thing.
I never called you an idiot. I think you are referring to someone else’s post.
The dude who said I’m so stupid I must have gotten dropped on my head:
Chill out bro, life is pretty cool when you’re not mad all the time.
Sorry I’ve just noticed I said that I seconded Will’s comments, I was looking at the name at the top not the bottom (duh, don’t normally post on these thing though)…. It should have been Andy’s comments that I was seconding
Random – “I know two guys who were very skinny and started up weights with protein powder for 8 WEEKS and compared themselves at the end. And I can honestly say both of them would almost be defined and big enough to be an actor on 300. And no they weren’t ripped before.”
This is an absolutely ridiculous statement you clearly know nothing about weights, bodybuilding, nutrition or steroids. If you saw a large difference in that time period (still nothing like to 300 standards even with steroids) then your friends were on steroids – sorry to break it to you, they obviously don’t trust you enough to tell you.
To Chojin: yes Bruce lee was ripped as hell but he didn’t weigh 250 pounds did he. There is an old saying in bodybuilding: “You can be big and natural or ripped and natural but you can’t be big ripped and natural.” By natural I mean steroid free.
Thanks again guys
I have been training for a long while now and can vouch safe that you cannot, simply cannot look like a 300 lad in the space of 8 weeks unless you are already highly developed and/or you are on the gear.
The evidence of steroid usage is glaring in this film i.e. early stages of gynocomastia and an elongation and abnormal enlargement of the abdominal muscles that is out of proportion with the rest of the body.
I have many friends who are and compete as natural body builders who look nothing like the blokes in 300. Their musculature is much flatter, far less pumped and rounded than those of a steroid user (but then it does depend on the type of steroid being used as some can age and harden muscle while others can cause considerable water retention and bloating).
The people I know that come close to the 300 are paratroopers and marines and most of them do not have this degree of muscle on their frames. Yomping for about 40 miles with a dirty great pack on your back one day then doing a ten mile run the next does not favour a bulky, overly muscular physique. Most are built like sleek runners. The lads in 300 are anything but sleek I think you will agree.
Don’t get me wrong, they look bloody fantastic, but don’t be deceived into thinking that you can look like that in 2 months unless you are VERY gifted indeed.
to all you guys that say you need steroids to get to be as big as any of the guys in 300, i think you’re 100% wrong. i’ve been a middleweight boxer for 4 years now, and aside from the actual fight training we do, conditioning is pretty similar (ie no specific muscle weight lifting) to the 300 workout. i admit i look nothing like any of the guys in the film, but saying you absolutely have to juice up to get that way is absolutely absurd.
The guys were in awesome shape, but the fighting style of a Spartan is amazing… the movie wasn’t totally accurate, but one of the consultants teaches a style called Pankration, and he showed some of the principles in an interview he did with
In Seattle, Mixed Martial Arts, No Holds Barred, and Pankration were all considered synonymous. Problably has something to do with AMC Pankration (one of the bigger MMA schools in the area) repopularizing the term, I believe in an effort to bring Pankration back to the Olympics.
Their workout is impressive but not sustainable. The word is that most of them regained every pound they lost after the movie was done filming.
If you are interested in “everyday” kinds of workouts to get in this kind of shape, check out
I’m one of those “pussy bodybuilders” like you mention in your article but I did the 300 workout in 13 minutes 3 days before my show (therefore no carbs, 3 % bodyfat). The workout is not easy but it can be done. I just want to say that heavy bodybuilding workouts are quite effective; with my training I don’t even do cardio and I can run better than most people. Oh yeah, did I say I’m 100% drug free? I’m not trying to brag, I am just defending my side. Good luck to all…
I cleared up what I meant by “pussy bodybuilders” above. I meant dudes who do machine curls and leg extensions – which I’m guessing isn’t you.
I’ve got nothing but respect for people who bodybuild with heavy squats, deads, weighted chins, standing presses ect.
BTW: 13 minutes is the fastest time I’ve seen. Strong work.
High intensity workouts like this are totally sustainable – if they are correctly scaled, and you don’t go balls to the wall 100% all the time.
If you hit this kind of workout a couple times per week at 80%, and once every two to three weeks at 100%, you’d rock.
As far as them regaining every pound – have you seen the stupid workouts they are doing now? I don’t understand why they went right back to their old workouts! They could go to the Gym Jones website and follow the schedule forever. Seems like that would have been a no brainer to me.
Prior to reading all this material, I was totally an isolation workout type of guy. I would hit the gym about every other day and it was easy to organize which muscle groups to do.
Since I started doing these full-body exercises, my entire body is sore for a few days after I work out. I don’t know what to do during my next session or when my next session should be. I don’t want to make the workouts pointless by not letting my body heal.
How often should I be working out if I’m doing these full-body exercises? If I’m still sore a few days later, am I going too hard? Any recommendations for the workout after you do deadlifts, cleans, etc?
Personally have been doing variations of the workouts posted on the Gym Jones website since I heard about it in early January. Weighed in at 250 to start. Am currently at 215.
My workouts consist of two-a-days, 45 mins each 5 days a week. Morning workout a combination of lifts, alternating sprints, mixed with body-weight calisthenics and swimming sprints.
2nd workout is all lifting.
Never have done the same combination twice.
figured my own eating plan which is all clean food, complex carbs early and late morning with a fist size of protein at each, and then taper carbs to nothing for last 3 meals of the day. Carbs are primarily grains, nuts and berries. Drinking at least a gallon of water a day.
Taking creatine 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off. Take l-glutamine pre and post workout and before bed. Take a multi vitamin, garlique, and an aspirin each day.
Have a cheat meal each weekend with a huge slice of cheesecake!
Take sat and sunday off. Very happy with the result. I am 47 years old.
My wife hates me, but loves the way I look;)
Best of luck everyone!
Vincent, week one
Vincent, week four
Vincent, week eight – the results of sustained second/minute/hour/day attention and discipline
To the guy who claimed he knew two guys who went from skinny to big and ripped in just 8 weeks without gear or prior training – sure!!!
Its impossible. If it where possible or even slightly possible, how come every single guy in the gym isnt like a 300 spartan warrior? You know less than nothing and are clearly just making up bullshit facts.
To all the guys nearer the top of this thread who are talking shite about bodybuilding and how non of the actors did any blah blah blah, read Mens Health this month, or any of the miriad of article that have been published in which Gerard Butler (the main guy in 300) has given interviews. He stresses time and time again that his time doing the cross fit was supplemental to the 12 months he spent prior lifting weights, and during his time doing cross fit, he was also training with a pro bodybuilder called Franco Licastro.
To all the guys saying it can’t be done without steroids, I whole heartedly agree. I have juiced on and off for over 8 years and know exactly what it takes to get in shape. Prior to using gear, i tried everything under the sun including eating 8 meals a day and training solidly for years and gained all of about 5lbs.
Once you open your eyes to the real world of gear, it becomes glaringly obvious who is and who isn’t “on” and whats possible with and without gear. Physiques like those sported by the guys in 300 are NOT possible to obtain without juice unless you happen to be genetically gifted. And by that I mean have the natural test levels of Arnie (who also used gear by the way).
And if you need further proof that Gerard Butler took gear, check him out now. After 8 months of being “off” he is a scrawny dweeb.
Mark Twight responds to you, me, and everyone else who has an opinion about the 300 workout. From the man who knows:
The dumbass that keeps telling everyone on here that you need roids to look like the guys in 300 is exactly that. A DUMBASS. I’ve been in strength and conditioning for over 20 years now. I’ve trained hundreds of people in that time and I’ve seen some ridiuclous results in the same time period (8 weeks) that the guys at gym jones saw. Incredibly hard work, and a tight as hell diet will turn a slightly overweight slob into a virtual adonis in a very short time period. The problem is that the ass-clown here who keeps going on and on about steroids, generally has no idea about what hard work is, and save me the schpill about what you’ve done and how big and ripped you think you are. Any guy that has really busted balls and gone all out for any extended period knows that the results that the guys in 300 achieved aren’t impossible improbable, or even out of the ordinary. Not when intense, consistant training and tight diet are applied.
I am a lifetime natural competitive powerlifter as well and I’ve squatted over 600 pounds for reps RAW, benched over 400 raw, and deadlifted over 600 raw many times. All below 260 pounds (I now sit at 240 pounds at a legit 10% bodyfat STEROID FREE).
As for the complete dumbass who thinks you need to have Arnold genetics and/or use gear in order to look like guys from 300, grow a sack dipshit and learn how to work. Something you obviously know nothing about. Oh and the link has already been provided but the guys at Gym jones owned your sorry ass as well. Beat it chump.
In reply to all the guys who keep comparing spartan physiques to modern day marines…
If you haven’t noticed war has changed since then, fighting with a gun and humping with a pack on is different to fighting in phalanx formation with spears. These are most probably what Spartans looked like:
Just a couple of small points. I haven’t been training for very long(about 6-7 years now seriosuly) but I think I’ve trained long enough to have a fair opinion.
1.It is possible to get a good physique without steroids and a good proper diet is an aid to that. I’ve seen it work for a fact. That doesn’t mean guys like Swarzh and the like of Dorian Yates haven’t done em. But at the end of the day, I don’t take them myself and so I really couldn’t care less if anyone else does. I’d rather be safe in the knowledge that what I’ve gained I’ve earned.
2.I’m no soldier, but I am a martial artist. I am a martial artist first and foremost in all my training. I know for a fact that there is a difference in war past and present. The entire mode of how a war is fought is different now to then. Sure you could probably sculp a “Spartan” figure by training. But if you want a combat figure there is only one way to do it. ONLY ONE WAY. And that is to train to fight and to fight regular. Remember basic P.E. Fitness is the bodies ability to meet the demands of the environment. If that environment is combat, then you become fit for combat. If it is dead lifting, then you become fit for dead lifting.
What a bunch o’ dumbass replies…Any idiot who thinks you can’t “get in shape” in 8 weeks probably couldn’t/hasn’t and is sitting in front of their computer getting fatter and fatter…Diet and hard work, dipshits…try it and you’ll see…Also, forget about all the faggoty body building bloated pump can’t wipe your striated sphincter to save yer ass bullshit…a Spartan didn’t drive to the battleground in a fuckin’ HumVee you stupid ‘tards…they had to hump it for miles and miles…try keeping your oh so “fuckin’ heeyuuuuge” body attached to your skeleton after a forced march of a few hunnerd miles…Don’t forget that these guys didn’t need to be a bunch of monster sized roid heads…they had to be in shape to make a movie – day in, day out, multiple takes, action scenes, lots of endurance / power / flexibility along with the skill to appear as warriors on film…NOT to be the next Ronnie-Fuckin’-Coleman…so get over your bodybuilding homo fantasies and get on with some real fitness…cause that’s what they got at GymJones…Oh yes, I almost forgot due to all the stupid shit I had to read here…THIS IS A FUCKIN’ MOVIE FER CHRISSFUCKIN’ SAKE!!!! Quit ANALyzing it and go workout…maybe you’ll begin to see what you can accomplish without ‘roids…unless you jus’ wannabe Ronnies bitch and oil his ass before his next posedown…wankers…
Would be nice to try for anyone! America is completely overweight! We need to step it up, hope this helps!
I dont even try and i almost look like that , all i would need to do is not eat for about a month and i’d be just as defined.
Those actors in that movies arnt on any roids, there not even big, there just have alot of definition you could probly do that easy in 2-3 months time with alot of work but you would have to eat like a grain of rice a day
Hey if anyone wants to talk to Mark Twight I’ll give you his number and address and you can call him anytime for advice.
See, the really retarded thing about this whole “its fake, they used nothing but steroids, there’s no way anyone could ever be that ripped” argument is that it’s not, they probably did but didn’t rely on them as the primary source of size increase, and, guess what, probably every male citizen in Sparta was as ripped, if not more so, than the actors in the movie. They trained to be soldiers since kids, and not just “oh I’m part of a peasant militia” soldiers, it was “if we chose to go to war, we’d wipe the floor with everyone, but we’re cool so we don’t.” When you consider that the actors for 300 underwent 6 months of HARDCORE (not once or twice a week, but as often as physically able) training, the results they got are entirely feasible. So yeah sorry all you nay-sayers, if you want to actually be able to prove that it can’t be done, go talk to Mark Twight, do exactly what the actors did for 6 months, and then come back and let us know if its still fake.
300 was a very good film and the cast looked in very good condition, you all seem to be talking bout roids, deit,etc there are loads of different areas to talk about how they looked liked this. the film had very good effects thought out thats probly what made them look even better, the use of tanning, computers, air brushing lighting, a director and a crew with loads of money can achive these days very good effects. Dont get me wrong they did train hard which is my next point, they all probly got paid a shed load of money for trainning, they can train then rest so that they recover unlike most people who might have a physical job. They were looked over every day by professionals changing there programe setting there programs. they worked as a group wich can have a miassive advantage mentaly and they had a expert on diet. Now if i went up to the avrage gym user and offered this to him i am shaw that he could gain some mega results over 8 weeks let alone a 6 month programe. yes some might of used roids, but most probly do have very good genetics and a history of weight train. i am not saying its all down to genetics but it plays a massive role. looking over what they did in training looked very impressive but some isolation work must of been dun to get the shaped arms and chest, back. at the end of the day were roids used yes and maybe no, where effects uesed? shit loads. are these average gym users with side jobs? i very much dout it, cand it be achived without roids in 8 weeks? no but you could improve your physic. couls you look like this in six months with all the help , advice , motivation and a big pay cheque and beening in a block buster movie yes. it is a film
300 was a very good film and the cast looked in very good condition, you all seem to be talking bout roids, deit,etc there are loads of different areas to talk about how they looked liked this. the film had very good effects thought out thats probly what made them look even better, the use of tanning, computers, air brushing lighting, a director and a crew with loads of money can achive these days very good effects. Dont get me wrong they did train hard which is my next point, they all probly got paid a shed load of money for trainning, they can train then rest so that they recover unlike most people who might have a physical job. They were looked over every day by professionals changing there programe setting there programs. they worked as a group wich can have a miassive advantage mentaly and they had a expert on diet. Now if i went up to the avrage gym user and offered this to him i am shaw that he could gain some mega results over 8 weeks let alone a 6 month programe. yes some might of used roids, but most probly do have very good genetics and a history of weight train. i am not saying its all down to genetics but it plays a massive role. looking over what they did in training looked very impressive but some isolation work must of been dun to get the shaped arms and chest, back. at the end of the day were roids used yes and maybe no, where effects uesed? shit loads. are these average gym users with side jobs? i very much dout it, cand it be achived without roids in 8 weeks? no but you could improve your physic. couls you look like this in six months with all the help , advice , motivation and a big pay cheque and beening in a block buster movie yes. it is a film
There are a lot of comments being made and most of them have very valid points. I won’t break down any medical terms but I will just talk about my personal experiences. I was a three sport athlete in high school (football, track, and soccer) and the heaviest I was able to weigh was 185. This was me working out very hard all through out the year. I joined the army and became airborne infantry. While in the service I was bounced around from place to place including two deployments to Iraq, one year in Korea, and one year in Germany. I got out of the army this past November weighing in at 210lbs. after discharge I came home and moved in with my older brother. While living with my brother he decided he wanted to use steroids and I decided to start working out with him but not use any roids and try to do it all the right way. I have been eating right and combining it with a certain amount of protein, creatine, and effort. Now I am weighing in at 245lbs. I am doing sets of 8-10 reps with 315lbs on bench and have cut my body fat percentage big time. Last week I gave myself a personal PT test just like I was given in the army. You get two minutes of push up, sit ups and you run two miles. Even weighing in at 245lbs I was able to do 104 pushups, 107 sit ups and I ran my two miles in 10min 42sec. as far as my brother is concerned. He has been taken his roids and working out and is no where close to what I am despite a very similar athletic background. So my personal proof is that with effort, diet, extreme exercise, and with nothing else to take up any of my personal time; it can be done.
Hahahahahha… i really enjoy some of thise post lmao.The movie was great i love it , talks about history about something that sort of hapend back in the days and yes back the the Spartans were the best army as a unit and yes they had more advance weapons then the Persians(look into the History), now these days Green beret , Marins , French foreigner legion but back the Spartan was the khool… great speciall effects in the movie and i think it’s positiv how people get inspired about the movie and start to train and yes if they could of done it i guess then its posible… i’ve been working out myself for a long time and i did the same type of exercise when i was in a wrestling team for 5 years… tires flip, hiting the tire with a huge hamer , pull up, push u, pick up each othere untill u see black things … after u allredy fight with somebody heand in heand for 1.5 (so i guess we burned everything off , muscle , fat u name it) … i didn’t end up look like the Spartans(or i was i just dont remeber lol)…guessing cause my poor diet hahahah…but i was doing pull up like u would get tired watching it(35 in one set) … when i saw the movie(seen Gerald Butler from othere movies) so i tought that is full of special graphics/effects and they put the six pack on them LOL…but i start to look into it a little more and guess what ??? NO !!! shit , those guys worked out and prob diet the hell out of themself to get to that point and i think they must have taken something (juice)… and of course it comes down to that u have to have a base sort of physic otherewise no way that u can look like that and can survive those training ,but these guys were pick for a reason …let me remaind u that the movie make 140 million in two weeks …there were profesionals i mean the best of the best :trainers , nutritionist, diet specialist u name it they gat it and they job was to make these guys look like the way they want them to look…saw an interview with the crue and they said ” we worked out 4 hours a day 6 times a week and they give us 3 peanuts for luch ” hahahahaha … so for the avarage joe who has a 9 to all day job + stress cause the boss didn’t get laid last night and go work out afterwards and diet and get up early and all that shit … yes it can be done but u need take 6 months vacation, Spartan discipline and genetics and start to work the shit out of yourself and diet just like one of the guys said up above “u can’t eat more then a heandful of rice a day”. … i think it can be done 😉
P.S. if u think u can get in shape like that in 8 weeks withouth any base(gear/juice) or genetic miracle (u are a moran wow gold wow gold
DO NOT DO CROSSFIT, crossfit is for people looking to have overtraining injuries within 2 years. Mark Twight has made his gym about actual realtime relative strength, it is based on the strength you will need to survive. If anyone is really interested in fitness stick with mark twight, there is a reason it’s called “crossshit”
The Regard! The Excellent forum! Thank you!
I wish you health!
the 300 workout isn’t bad…mark designed it have 300 total reps…if you visit his gym jones site he has a few nice essays about 300…but i’ve been structuring my workouts like this for quite a while now…its alot more fun when when you can be creative with stuff than doing the same old bodybuilding inspired workout
Ive been working very hard to get rid of my stubborn fat and the troy dann fat buster just simply isn’t working, does this workout realy work?
from -desperately seeking to be ripped!!!!!!!!
Yes, crossfit can solve a lot of problems, but don’t you think the diet also has a big role?
All the discussing of which this works or not is completely unnecessary. The fact just is, that this was not (as told before) what they mainly did. This workout is for many a piece of cake, since i know and have seen people busting out 90-100 pullups in a row. These are also the same people who goes benching 300-400 pounds afterwards. But christ guys, of course this is a good workout! Don’t over nor underestimate this thing, cause the average guy can’t do 25 pullups and/or 50 pushups. But the workouts that were done for the preparation of the movie was mainly bodyweight exercises, and for all of you peeps who still don’t know what kind of ‘diet’ they were fed, i can tell you that they were given just enough protein and carbs to recover from the workout they had done. They had eating limits, and of course they had a criteria of which foods they were to eat and not to eat. Working out like this works, and it’s a good way for starters to learn lifts as the deadlift and the clean & press, since if you are to continue lifting weights, you won’t be able to avoid doing those particular exercises, if you want that stunning physique. There are lots of ways to train, but there is one thing which is similar to all workout programs: Hard work and perseveranc. Nuff said.
What an factful subject, but I think differently.
hi, im slighytly overweight and would really like to cut down as much as possible, ive tried many diets in the past and never had a great deal of success. ive tried suplements, overloading cardio workout, and im currently on a calorie restricted diet, is there any other ways to lose weight
Unbelieveable. Thanks for the great blog..first time here. I’ll be back.
that sounds like an extremely hard work out.
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Hi , thanks 4 this post. It opens some new ways of looking to muscle building and fitness in general. it is just very sad when people are not open for learning new ways and tactics. problem is people are getting confused and even negative about weight lifting when those people start teaching others and preaching their “visions” . it is therefore important to have places like you have here . I wish you best results !
I would just like to look like anyone of those guys. I used to be in the army and a lot of the workouts are the same, just not as intense. What’s the quickest way for rock hard abs??
and i thought i was the shit
and i thought i was the shit
Excellent article and commentary!
Lot’s of great info on your site Josh! I love watching that video. I was supposed to start doing a “300” workout last summer but ended up putting it off. Hmm maybe this year…
everyone seems to forget all these guys in the movie were paid to train everyday with the best trainers and nutritionists money can buy. they didnt have a 9-5 like the rest of us. they also trained for months at a time and the “300 workout” was only used a handful of times if that.
Excellent article and commentary!
If anyone’s ever in Boulder CO check out a guy named Darren Flagg. He does a workout similar to those done by the 300 actors. He’s been doing these classes for years and he’s become a total bad@ss doing these workouts. He holds a world record for deadlifting and is a world class wrestler. Check him out. He has a class called Animal Strength that will rock your world.
This is so motivating, I need to switch up my training routine so I’m totally gona give this a shot! I am off carbs almost completely for 2 weeks to help cut, I have 1 egg and eggs whites with Mushrooms & Jalapeño Peppers for breakfast then I do my training. After I have a protein shake with 1 scoop of Peanut butter and half a frozen banana. I’m trying to avoid the sugars from other fruits, after 2 weeks I will put them back in my diet. For now my diet is so bland but I cant drop a good amount of fat so long as Im taking in enough protein. I’m going to log my progress but will need to work my way up or I’ll be in too much pain lol. Good Luck Guys!
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Actually no, you would want the protein before you train, and protein and carbs right after your train. With high reps and minimum rest in between sets you should stay lean and not bulk up.
Please visit the link. this is mark twight’s website. He offers some good harsh facts about the training for the movie 300 and attacks all the people who discredits the hard work done by the actors by comments such as “Note, these guys didn’t get this athletically trimmed in a couple months. 6 months minimum with diet.”
Wow. It’s amazing what he is doing. I want do that too.
I can find the prayer I want. I thank God for this website.r
Just wanted to say hellog
haha.. pussy bodybuilding work in front of the mirror..
this exercise plans are very intense man..
Thanks for wonderful post. I learn a lot form this. Please write more stuff.
I am living in australia and cannot access any kettle bells let alone any weights or gym equipment for that matter. I want to be able to do this workout. is there any way to do it without the use of any equipment?
if yes,what can i do, how many reps should i do and how long should i take?
I am fairly strong, not overweight or unfit, but not a tank either. (im not neccessarily a beginner).
thanks, danny.
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Diesel Energy Stix was designed to be convenient, fast acting, and high performing with minimal caffeine.
Heavily caffeinated drinks and products can cause rapid heartbeat, which results from the vasoconstriction effects of caffeine.
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More important, other ingredients provide for release of energy without a corresponding increase in blood sugar.
Diesel is neuro-nutrition for both the body and brain in mind. The first energy powdered dietary supplement that does not require the chase of liquids.
1. Diesel Energy Stix has a pleasant orange taste.
2. It does not need to be mixed with water. It dissolves on your tongue
3. The delivery system helps the product to take effect in minutes.
4. There is no tolerance buildup, racing heart rate, crashing, or urination.
5. The formula is based on research by the Ph.D. founder.
6. It is small and easy to take along with you – convenient
Our recent testimonial comes from Dr. Jeff Hill:
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nice workout
I like it and the background and colors make it easy to reads
Wow!!! I’s a wonderful site. This one’s for you gentlemen, so pay close attention. You know that regular exercise helps to keep those love handles at bay, your pecs popping and biceps bulging but do you realize that consistent cardiovascular workouts can also benefit your.It’s common knowledge that if you want to lose weight you must decrease your calories and increase your movement. However, not everyone is aware that the opposite applies for muscle building.
Workout Routines
Great article.Awesome,i mean,this way it will be lesser time consuming exercises and a well-toned body.Thanks
Workout Routines
This site is all about the workout information which is helpful for us in taking care of our health.
This site is all about the workout information which is helpful for us in taking care of our health.
This looks absolutely gruelling.
Really payed off for them though.
I am Thomas Williamson………
Wow, the main guys look a lot smaller in the workouts than they do in the movie, I guess makeup and post-production can do wonders.
I read this post and is really very interesting…….
Its really awesome………
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