The more you train like Daniel Craig trained and the more you eat like Daniel Craig ate…
scratch that –
The more you work out like James Bond would work out, and the more you eat like James Bond would eat, the more you are going to have the James Bond body.
And I’ve got good news, when you’re carrying that much muscle, your metabolism will be cranked up enough that you can even have a James Bond Martini once in a while.
Daniel Craig was doing a ton of pullups and dips. If you can’t do a bodyweight pullup yet, you’ve got some work to do. All the girls I train can do at least 3 pullups. One of the girls I train can do 14. All of the guys I train can do at least 10 pullups. One of the dudes can do 20. I’d be shocked if a double “0” agent can’t do 20 pullups without breaking a sweat. Time to get yourself in on the Internet Pullup Challenge.
And Daniel Craig talked about benching his bodyweight. He did that in the middle of circuit workouts. I’ve got news for you, even LeAnn Rimes can bench her own bodyweight. So if you aren’t there yet, that’s another benchmark you should be working towards.
He never said what he squatted, but you might as well be working towards a single leg squat, Russian Navy SEAL style, ’cause it’s ridiculous hard, it builds wicked strength, and it’s a cool party trick. Most guys can’t even do one.
And then you can’t say military fitness without saying kettlebells. So I’d throw in the Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss Fighter Workout Test.
You’d also want to throw in The Secret Service Snatch Test: Using a 52lb kettlebell, you see how many kettlebell snatches you can do in 10 minutes. For the Secret Service, you’re totally useless if you can’t do at least 200 reps. The real badasses in the Secret Service do 250 reps. This, of course, is also far… far beyond the fitness of most dudes in the gym.
I’m trying to impress upon you, that if you want a body like a Double “0” Agent like James Bond, a lot of the guys reading this may to have to get a lot stronger and fitter than they are now. It could take a real investment of time to build this kind of fitness.
If you already are that strong and fit, but you don’t have the body you want, then the issue is entirely food.
For most guys, it’s going to be about taking both your workout and your nutrition to the next level.
Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss, the most kick ass, intense fat loss program you can do, is still on SALE:
Fat Loss Workouts Thanksgiving Sale
By Josh Hillis, Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor
“I ripoff Josh Hillis‘ workouts to use with my clients on a regular basis.” – Dave Whitley, Senior Russian Kettleball Challenge Instructor
Josh has been featured in USA Today and The Denver Post.
Hey Josh, I was reading your “better booty” workouts and was wondering how long to stay on each exercise. Would it be one week per workout or one day??? Thanks!!!!!!
Hi there
Im a university student,
I recentlty got into weights because my fraternal twin is so dam strong and has such an amazing build.
lol unfortunately, i didnt get any of the good skinny ,cant benchy over 60kg but can deadlift ok amounts.. anyways im really wanting to get lean for summer
(im in nz now..winter now but summer is in november.)
Im a real poor dieter… I now fruits veges meats is the way..but easier said then done
I found your blog yesterday from google and am hooked!!!
I love fitnes..i lost 15kg since october but have since hit a major wall and cant get over it… the last 5-10kgs of fat..
i know about circuits,compounds,HIIT, etc..its how i lost all that please dont think i know alot by saying this.. im just a very curious person..i read about training and try new things always..horrible diet though got to say…
whats your best advice on losing the last kgs besides diet?
also..i was on a page on your blog but closed the browser accidentally… it had all the famous crossfit workouts ..i really wanted to bookmark it but didnt get the chance to..
please could you find it for me ??
Thanks again
All the way down in New Zealand:D
awesome site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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