Ok, so now EVERYONE is up in arms about the Açai Berry Diet and how stupid it is (I know, I'm such a trend setter).
Blah blah blah… Lets talk about something really ridiculous!
It's true, I had a girl come in and do a fitness assessment with me that swore up and down that this was the next big thing. So I had to research it.
Check out some testimonials from Amazon.com:
"It does leave a bit of bruising but of course it will if your body is not used to it. The pain lessens once you've done it a while longer and It seems to be effective. Overall the product is what I expected it to be and I guess you can say I was satisfied with it."
"This Hula Hoop is a perfect illustration to the well known saying "no pain, no gain". Does it hurt when you use it for the first time? Absolutely! Does it leave bruises on your waist? Yes it does! I can see why the weak ones are returning it and writing the lame reviews."
"I have tried this hoop and it felt absolutely awful. I even know someone who received internal bruising from this kind of hoop."
And the people that like it, say that it works because it's "in just the right area!"
Are you serious?
And the massaging spikes are going to help because they bruise just the right area also?
Spiked Hula Hoops Are Not The Answer
If you want to get lean, you want to get stronger on big movements like pushing, pulling, squatting, and kettlebell swinging.
We don't want bruises on our midsection from hula spikes. Bruises are not hot.
Look, fitness magazines sell on magic tools and easy fixes.
Ever notice that the magazines that say "Walk Off Ten Pounds" always sell out?
Ever notice that every info-mercial has the one magic tool you've always been looking for… and it's easy!
Truth is that it's going to take work.
That's why it's in the name: workout.
It can be fun work.
It can be work that makes you feel good and gets you results.
You'll probably be happier and feel a feeling of satisfaction after doing the work.
It may even be less work than you think it will be.
But it's not easy. It's work.
Where The Magic Happens
It happens the two places most people fail. Especially people who start a new program a New Years.
1.) Get a good workout and nutrition program, designed for fat loss
2.) Do it consistently.
A Good Fat Loss Workout and Nutrition Program
Look the people who are doing spiked hula hoop training aren't going to get the results they want because the workout they are doing isn't intense in the right way.
The hula-ing is to small a movement to get the kinds of results we want.
We want squats, deadlifts, pushing and pulling.
On the same level of the hula hoop is just going to the gym and "try to figure it out on your own".
DON'T just wing it.
You need a plan. Get a program from someone who is good at putting together programs for your goal.
If you are following a really kick ass workout program, then follow it.
Notice how all those transformation contests are 12 weeks? There is a reason for that.
If you lose an inch off your waist this month, and inch off your waist next month, and an inch off your waist the month after that, it starts to add up!
If you drop a dress size or a pants size this month, and then again next month…
Seriously, this game starts to get really fun.
There is a myth out there that people are lazy, and they don't want to do the work. I don't believe that.
I believe that people love doing the work, if they get the results they want.
People just want the results, and if you tell them straight up what it's going to take, they'll totally do it.
The Game
If you play the game called "Great Plan + Consistent Action" you're going to like the results.
If you haven't already, print out my last article, and fill it out. Create a realistic plan of how to overcome the obstacles that are going to get in your way.
I know if I don't have protein powder in the house, I'm screwed. So I bought two big tubs of my favorite egg protein today. Take a look at your issues like that – don't you have some things that always get in the way, but are really easy to fix? Fix 'em! Start with the easy ones!
Josh News: Pullup Personal Record!
First time ever, I did 14 consecutive strict, overhand pullups!
I'm totally stoked. Things have been moving right along pullup wise ever since I started using a program designed to increase pullup numbers =)
One of my old coaches used to say that you should celebrate pullup personal records like birthdays, because you won't have as many pullup personal records.
I'm really stoked about reading Tom Venuto's new book, The Body Fat Solution. I already ordered my copy at amazon.com. It's cool for two reasons: #1 In the "local boy makes good" kind of way that Tom pioneered fitness e-books, and it's cool to see him bridge over to hardcopy, but more importantly #2 that it's a boot about mindset, how to deal with emotional eating and why people sabotage their results. It's going to be a really cool read.
I'm going to be on local TV again! I'm on Colorado and Co. on friday, demonstrating a bunch of dumbbell exercises.
I'm getting ready to finally post the video of me on the traveling rings in Santa Monica, and the pictures of me in the Flobots video "Rise". If you're really lucky I'll even post a picture of the really wicked Ed Hardy flying fire tigers tie I wore on New Years.
The Stubborn Seven Pounds, the perfect get-lean-and-hot-for-the-New-Year workout program, is still on SALE for one more day (sale ends January 9th):
Fat Loss Workouts Holiday Sale
By Josh Hillis
"I've seen more results in 6 weeks training with Josh than I saw in the previous two years working out on my own" -Stephanie Weis
Josh has been featured in USA Today and The Denver Post.
Josh is the head coach at www.Denver-Kettlebell-Bootcamp.com
That hoop sounds horrible. Ridiculous!
A few years back I bought a weighted hula hoop from eBay for around $25. It hurt but it NEVER left bruises. It just had a HUGE circumference and took a few days to get the swing of things. There are some legit weighted hoops. Plus, Wii Fit has an awesome hula section —> http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?&next_url=/watch%3Fv%3Dv31qxrXsxv0
I hula hoop, and it’s a fun workout, on par with other forms of dance. But the idea that one should endure bruising from hooping is ridiculous. Maybe the people who buy that thing will also believe they can lose weight if I smack them around. I’d be happy to get paid to smack around stupid people!
So Josh, how much do you think I should charge for this service?
I should have my flaming pogo stick in the stores in a couple of weeks.
Then we’ll see some serious fat burning.
Can I just say I love the way you write? I’d love to borrow the “spiked hula hoops are not the answer” as my quote for the day.
oh man that hoola hoop is hilarious and ridiculous!
I loved this one, Josh. It shows very clear how drastic and desperate people can be to lose some pounds. Check it out the video.
Another one is the Acai diet. It’s so ridiculous, it’s schocking. Acai, from Brazil, superfood, high in calories. It’s the same as if they launch the AVOCADO diet. Avocado is healthy, is good for you. Try eat every day and see where it goes…
.I watched my daughter do the hula hoop on Wii Fit and that was pretty hilarious. Maybe they should add one of these spiked ones to the game, just for a bit o laughs.
You’re spot on about the majority of peple that want to lose weight will take the weasy way out. It is kind of funny though, that so many people are looking for the easy way out, yet many of these same people will spend an hour on the bike or treadmill, and neglect weights altogether, when adding even a twice a week session with weights could give them so much more progress.
Nice one but can we really lose fat with this? Whatever exercise we choose we should be regular on it, I suppose.
One gets a complete workout feel at a good fitness center working with the different equipment which suits your body.
Great site you have here. Enjoyed the post will bookmark. 🙂
Thanks for the info about these cool little exercise hula hoops. Do you know where I can find these to buy? My sister told me to check out http://www.tbhoops.com and they seem like a pretty good company. What do you think? Advice?